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Vedno več gospodinjstev se odloča za ogrevanje s toplotno črpalko, ker je cenejše in okolju bolj prijazno. To pa lahko predstavlja problem, saj bo naš elektroenergetski sistem postal preobremenjen. Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in računskega dela. Najprej so predstavljene toplotne črpalke in kasneje načini ogrevanja, ki smo jih razdelili na radiatorsko in talno ogrevanje. V nadaljevanju smo sestavili dva modela. V prvem modelu je izračunana električna moč toplotne črpalke v eni uri za osem zaporednih dni. Najprej so predstavljene vhodne in izhodne spremenljivke in nadalje potek izračuna in rezultati. Analizirali smo tri tipe toplotnih črpalk, ki se razlikujejo glede na vir toplotne energije, in sicer za tri različne objekte, enodružinsko in večdružinsko hišo ter poslovne objekte. Iz rezultatov vidimo, kako se poraba električne energije spreminja čez dan in kakšen tip toplotne črpalke je primernejši. V drugem modelu je predstavljen termični model hiše. Najprej so predstavljene in izračunane transmisijske in prezračevalne izgube hiše in nadalje, kaj se dogaja s temperaturo v hiši, ko izklopimo toplotno črpalko. Opazovali smo, v kolikšnem času se temperatura prostora spusti na želeno in za koliko se spusti, če toplotno črpalko izklopimo za določen čas. Namen tega je, da bi v času konic, ko je poraba električne energije velika, izklopili toplotno črpalko in s tem razbremenili omrežje. Pri izračunih smo si pomagali s programom Matlab. More and more households are choosing to heat with a heat pump because it is cheaper and more environmentally friendly. This, however, can be a problem as our power system will become overloaded. The thesis consists of theoretical and calculational work. First, heat pumps are presented, and later heating methods, which were divided into radiator and floor heating. We have put together two models below. In the first model, the electric power of the heat pump is calculated in one hour for eight consecutive days. First, the input and output variables are presented, followed by the calculation flow and results. We analyzed three types of heat pumps, which differ according to the source of heat energy, namely for three different buildings, a single-family and multi-family house, and business buildings. From the results we see how electricity consumption changes during the day and what type of heat pump is more appropriate. The second model presents a thermal model of the house. First, the transmission and ventilation losses of the house are presented and calculated, and further, what happens to the temperature in the house when we turn off the heat pump. We observed how long it takes for the room temperature to drop to the desired temperature and for how long if the heat pump is switched off for a certain time. The purpose is to turn off the heat pump during peak hours, when the electricity consumption is high, and thus relieve the network. We used the Matlab program to help with the calculations. |