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Namen in cilji: namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, katere so glavne razlike in podobnosti v nekaterih pokazateljih igralnih dogajanj na tekmah moškega in ženskega evropskega rokometnega prvenstva, igranega leta 2018. Cilji so analizirati vse tekme prvenstev in zbrati podatke o najpomembnejših igralnih parametrih, ki so značilni za posamezno fazo rokometne igre in jih statistično obdelati. Z rezultati testne statistike smo ugotovili, pri katerih igralnih parametrih pride do razlik med spoloma. Metodologija: vzorec tekem obsega 47 tekem moškega evropskega prvenstva 2018 na Hrvaškem in 47 tekem ženskega evropskega prvenstva 2018 v Franciji. Podatke smo pridobili iz uradnih statistik, pridobljenih na uradni spletni strani Evropske rokometne zveze (EHF). Iz teh statistik smo izbrali 29 igralnih dogajanj, ki smo jih razdelili v dve skupini. Parametre igralnih dogajanj v fazi napada in parametre igralnih dogajanj v fazi obrambe. Podatke smo statistično analizirali v programu IBM SPSS 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, ZDA). Za vsak parameter smo naredili primerjavo med ženskami in moškimi. Najprej smo izračunali osnovne statistične vrednosti. Razlike v pokazateljih igralnih dogajanj med moškimi in ženskami smo preverjali s t-testom za neodvisne vzorce, s katerim smo skušali ugotoviti ali so razlike statistično značilne. Za uporabo t-testa za neodvisne vzorce moramo upoštevati dve predpostavki, to sta normalna porazdelitev in homogenost varianc. Če je bila ena od teh dveh predpostavk kršena, smo uporabili test Mann-Whitney. Ugotovitve dela: testna statistika je pokazala, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med spoloma v naslednjih parametrih: število golov iz linije devetih metrov, odstotek realizacije napada, odstotek realizacije golov na postavljeno obrambo, število golov iz sedemmetrovke, število golov iz krilnega položaja, število golov, doseženih s prodorom, število golov iz hitrega centra, število rumenih kartonov, število asistenc, število izgubljenih žog, število tehničnih napak, število prestreženih žog, število blokov, število napadov. Purpose and goals: the purpose of master's thesis is to find out what are the main differences and similarities in some indicators of playing events on matches of European Men's and Women's Handball Championship 2018. The goals are to analyze all matches of both championships and gather data about the most important playing parameters that are characteristic for the individual phase of a handball match and to process them statistically. With test statistics results we came to conclusions that show what playing parameters lead to gender differences. Methodology: the pattern of matches consists of 47 matches of Men's European Handball Championship in Croatia and 47 matches of Women's European Handball Championship 2018 in France. Data were obtained from official statistics published on the European Handball Federation official website. 29 variables were chosen from these statistics and divided into two groups: parameters of playing events in the phase of attack and parameters in playing events in the phase of defence. All data were statistically analyzed by using the computer programme IBM SPSS 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, ZDA). We made a comparison between women and men for each parameter. We first calculated basic statistical values. We checked differences in indicators of playing events between men and women with a t – test for independent samples with which we tried to determine whether the differences were statistically significant. When using a t – test for independent samples we have to consider two assumptions: standard distribution and homogeneity variance. If one of these two assumptions was violated, we used a Mann – Whitney test. Findings: test statistics showed that there are statistically significant differences between genders in the following parameters: the number of goals scored from a nine-metre line, the percentage of attack realization, the percentage of goals of the set defence, the number of goals from a seven-metre line, the number of goals from wing position, the number of goals with breakthrough, the number of goals from a fast throw off, the number of yellow cards, the number of assists, the number of lost balls, the number of technical faults, the number of intercepted balls, the number of blocks, the number of attacks. |