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V diplomski nalogi smo ugotavljali, kakšna je vsebnost vode pri sekancih glede na dostavljene količine. Na podlagi tega smo izračunali kurilno vrednost ter gostoto nasutja posameznega vzorca. Analizirali smo 19 vzorcev. Vsebnost vode je variirala med 12,2 % ter 46,4 %. Te velike razlike so najverjetneje posledica skladiščenja hlodovine oziroma že predhodno narejenih sekancev. To nam da vedeti, da je zelo pomembno skladiščenje sekancev za njihovo boljšo kakovost, ker le-ta bistveno vpliva na kurilno vrednost. S pomočjo formule smo izračunali kurilno vrednost sekancev. Pred tem je bilo potrebno en vzorec posušiti, da smo dobili suho snov, ki je bila pomembna in potrebna za sam izračun. Z izračunom gostote nasutja smo prišli do podatka o teži m3 sekancev pri določeni vsebnosti vode. Opisali smo tudi cenovno primerjavo med kurilnim oljem ter zemeljskim plinom, kjer smo upoštevali isto količino proizvedene toplote. Celotna analiza uporabe različnih energentov kaže, da je v konkretnem primeru ogrevanje z lesnimi sekanci najbolj smiselno. In this thesis we have determined water content of the wood chips according to delivered consignment. Based on that we have calculated calorific value and density of the fill with each sample. We have analyzed 19 samples of which water content varied between 12,2 % and 46,4 %. These large differences are due to the storage of logs or wood chips that were already made. This indicates the importance of storing wood chips properly to get better quality only because it affects the heating value. By using the formula, we have calculated the calorific value of the chips. Prior to this it was necessary that we dried one sample in order to get a dry substance which was important for correct calculation. The density of the fill was calculated by a formula, to know how much a cubic meter of wood chips weights when containing that certain amount of water content. We also described a price comparison between fuel oil and natural gas where we followed the same amount of heat produced. Overall analysis of using different energy sources indicates that in the present case heating with wood chips makes the most sense. |