Přispěvatelé: Pevcin, Primož
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Magistrsko delo proučuje vpliv regulatornih politik na število delovno aktivnega prebivalstva v Sloveniji in izbranih državah Evropske unije. Pomembno je, da države glede na napovedi gibanja števila delovno aktivnega prebivalstva s pomočjo ukrepov in ciljev vplivajo na trg dela. Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšne so razlike pri gibanju števila delovno aktivnega prebivalstva po regijah v Sloveniji in v izbranih državah Evropske unije. Regije v Evropski uniji imajo različne potenciale, zato sem skozi spoznavanje njihovih politik želel ugotoviti, zakaj so nekatere uspešnejše od drugih. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil z rezultati raziskav in primerjav prikazati, v katere skupine prebivalcev je treba usmerjati ukrepe regulatornih politik za večje učinke na trgu dela in posledično dvig števila delovno aktivnega prebivalstva. Med seboj sem primerjal različne demografske podatke ter želel prikazati, na katerem področju je treba dvigniti pozornost v usmerjanje in posredovanje strategij. V magistrskem delu je bila uporabljena metoda povzemanja mnenj drugih avtorjev, deskriptivni pristop in prikazan teoretični koncept dogajanja pri nas in v izbranih državah Evropske unije. Ključna ugotovitev je, da regulatorne politike in posegi države pozitivno vplivajo na gibanje števila delovno aktivnega prebivalstva. Predstavljeni rezultati problematike in povezava s tematiko prispevajo k boljšem vpogledu, v katere ciljne skupine brezposelnih je treba usmeriti nadaljnje regulativne ukrepe držav. Master's thesis researches impact of regulatory policies on number of active working population in Slovenia and selected countries of the European Union. According to projections of active working population movement is relevant, that countries impact a labour market through measures and goals. The purpose of a master's thesis is to find out what are the differences in movement, active working population in regions in Slovenia and selected countries of the European Union. I wanted to find out, which regions in the European Union had various potentials and attempted to find out due to their policies, why they were more efficient than the others. The objectives of master's thesis was given with results of comparisons and researchers to present that it is necessary to guide measures of regulatory policies for effects on a labor market and consequentially to increase the number of labour working force. During comparing various data I present a demographic data for a demonstration which field must withdraw notice for guidance and the intervention of strategies. In a master's thesis are used descriptive method, presented theoretic concept of activity and method of summarizing of opinions of others authors. The key finding is that regulatory policies and state interventions have a positive impact on the movement of the number of working people. Presented results and connection of theme contribute to better insight on problems and explains to which target groups of unemployed people must guide the further regulative measures of countries.
Databáze: OpenAIRE