Partnerski odnos med porodnico in babico ter ovire v Sloveniji

Autor: Matis, Nataša
Přispěvatelé: Stanek Zidarič, Tita
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Uvod: definicija babice opisuje babico kot strokovno delavko, ki z žensko sodeluje v partnerskem odnosu. Odnosi med posameznimi babicami in porodnicami so si zelo različni. Nekateri so bolj, drugi manj kvalitetno vzpostavljeni, razlikujejo se po intenzivnosti in osebnem doprinosu. Ko je izkušnja o vzajemnosti odnosa na obeh straneh približno enaka, lahko babica in porodnica sodelujeta v harmoničnem odnosu. Kontinuirano delo babicam predstavlja izziv. Neravnovesje med profesionalnostjo in prevelikim osebnim čustvenim vključevanjem lahko pripelje do zavračanja enakovrednega odnosa ter poklicne izgorelosti. Namen: s pomočjo pregleda literature opisati zgodovinske dogodke, ki so spremenili odnose med porodnicami in babicami. Izpostaviti področja, ki vplivajo na vzpostavitev partnerskega odnosa, prednosti in slabosti takšnega sodelovanja ter možne rešitve v praksi. Metode dela: opisna ali deskriptivna metoda dela s sistematičnim pregledom strokovne, znanstvene, slovenske in angleške manjka literature. Razprava in zaključek: partnerski odnos med porodnico in babico pozitivno vpliva na vse vpletene, vpliva lahko tudi na razplet poroda. Odnos babice vpliva na zadovoljstvo porodnice med in po porodu. V tujini najdemo veliko primerov dobre prakse, medtem ko sta slovenska babica in porodnica zaradi različnih dejavnikov ovirani pri možnosti vzpostavitve partnerskega odnosa. Psihično stanje porodnice se odraža v odvijanju porodnega procesa in vpliva na razplet poroda ter na poporodno mentalno in psihično stanje otročnice. Babica in porodnica se soočata s pomanjkanjem avtonomije. Področje je slabo raziskano, potrebno večje pozornosti in raziskovanja. Introduction: Definition of a midwife describes the midwife as a healthcare professional who works in partnership with women. Relationships established in midwife-woman pairs can be very different from one another. Some are more and others less well-established, they vary in the degree of intesivity and personal contribution. When both sides experience approximately the same reciprocity of their relationship, the midwife and the birthing woman can cooperate in a harmonious relationship. Continuous work is a challenge for midwives imbalance between professionalism and excessive personal emotional engagement can lead to rejection of an equal relationship and an occupational burnout. At that point, they can help themselves with the concept of being a professional friend. Purpose: To make an overview of the literature selected according to the inclusion criteria and to describe the historic events that changed the relationships between birthing women and midwives. To highlight the areas that influence the establishment of a partnership relationship, the pros and cons of such cooperation and possible applicable solutions. Methods: A descriptive research method with a systematic overview of professional and scientific, Slovenian and English literature an analysis and synthesis of critically selected relevant sources. The literature was searched in the shared database, Maribor University Clinic, Ljubljana University Clinic and the library of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Ljubljana. Books and online sources, scholarly articles, research papers and collections of lay stories of birthing women, new mothers and mothers were used. Discussion and conclusion: A partnership relationship between a birthing woman and a midwife positively influences all involved moreover, it can also affect birth outcome. The relationship of the midwife impacts the satisfaction of the woman during and after childbirth. Foreign countries offer a diversity of examples of good practice, whereas due to various factors, Slovenian midwives and birthing women have limited possibilities of establishing a partnership relationship. The mental state of a birthing woman reflects itself in the unwinding of the birthing process, influences the birth outcome as well as the new mother’s mental and psychological state. The current state of affairs in Slovenian maternity hospitals cannot compare to international examples of good practice. Midwives and birthing women are facing lack of autonomy. The field is poorly researched and in need of more attention and further research.
Databáze: OpenAIRE