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Za kontrolo geometrije tirnic žerjavne proge smo izvedli izmero za določitev horizontalnega in višinskega poteka z različnimi metodami. Uporabili smo klasično polarno metodo geodetske izmere v kombinaciji z nastavkom – platformo L, metodo alinman z odčitki na kotniku in geometrični nivelman. Metode smo primerjali glede na medsebojni odnos obeh tirnic z določitvijo razpona in višinske razlike. Tako smo preverili tudi ustreznost žerjavne proge po standardu Evrokod 3. Vzpostavili smo geodetsko mrežo štirih točk in primerjali natančnost dveh različnih tahimetrov. For the control of crane traces geometry, we performed some measurments to determine horizontal and altitude course using various methods. We used the classical polar method of geodetic measurements in combination with special attachment - platform L, the so called method alinman with readings on the right angle ruler and the geometric leveling method. We compared the methods on traces relation, by determining the range and altitude difference. Therefore we as well checked the suitability of the crane track according to the Eurocode 3 standard. We established a geodetic network of four points and compared the accuracy of two different total stations. |