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Medkulturna vzgoja je namenjena mladim in otrokom, ker so oni tisti, ki bodo v prihodnosti vsekakor živeli v medkulturni družbi. Pomembno je, da so osebnostne razlike prikazane kot nekaj naravnega in pozitivnega otrokom že v zgodnjem obdobju, najbolje, ko pridejo v vrtec. Oblikovanje pozitivnega odnosa do drugačnosti omogočimo z vrsto dejavnosti, ki so smiselno povezane in otroku dovolijo spoznavanje različnosti med njimi in drugimi ljudmi, ki jih obkrožajo. Cilji magistrskega dela so bili raziskati dejavnike kulture, ki vplivajo na vzgojo otrok, ugotoviti občutke vzgojiteljic ob sprejemu otroka iz drugega kulturnega okolja, načine integracije otrok drugih kultur v skupino, hitrost prilagajanja otrok drugih kultur v skupino, učinkovitost in hitrost prilagajanja otrok iz drugih kultur glede na starost, spol, socioekonomski položaj in kulturno ozadje, občutke ostalih otrok ob sprejemu otroka iz drugega kulturnega okolja v skupino, ugotoviti glavne dejavnike, ki zavirajo učinkovito integracijo otrok drugih kultur v vrtec, vlogo staršev otrok drugih kultur pri vključevanju otrok v vrtec, ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezava med kulturo otroka in uspešno integracijo v vrtec ter med izobrazbo in delovno dobo vzgojiteljice ter uspešno integracijo otroka v vrtec, kako vzgojiteljice in drugi strokovni delavci v vrtcu oblikujejo izvedbeni učni načrt v skupini, kjer so otroci iz drugega kulturnega okolja, in ugotoviti čas, ki ga otroci iz različnih kultur potrebujejo za prilagoditev na novo kulturo in drugo okolje. Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu in deskriptivni metodi empiričnega kvalitativnega raziskovanja. V kvantitativnem delu raziskave smo uporabili strukturiran spletni vprašalnik, ki je bil izdelan v namen raziskave. Anketirali smo zaposlene v vrtcih na Gorenjskem in v Ljubljani. Zbrane podatke smo kvantitativno obdelali. V kvalitativnem delu raziskave smo podatke pridobili s polstrukturiranim intervjujem. Ugotovili smo statistično pomembno povezavo med delovno dobo vzgojiteljice in njeno težjo vključitvijo otroka iz druge kulture v skupino. Anketirani s krajšo delovno dobo se bolj strinjajo z navedenim kot anketirani z daljšo delovno dobo. Do statistično pomembne povezave prihaja tudi med izobrazbo in ustreznim obdobjem prilagajanja za otroka tujca v skupino. Anketirani z višjo izobrazbo se bolj strinjajo, da se je otroku treba prilagajati kot anketirani z nižjo izobrazbo. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov kvantitativne in kvalitativne raziskave smo spoznali, da zaposleni v vrtcih medkulturno vzgajajo otroke in otroke iz drugih kulturnih okolij skušajo integrirati v skupino kar se da učinkovito, vendar smo zaznali tudi določena področja, na katerih bi lahko izboljšali načine dela. Intercultural education is aiming at young people and children, because they are the ones who will definitely live in intercultural society in the future. It is important that personality differences are shown as something natural and positive to the children in the early period, best when they come to kindergarten. The creation of a positive attitude towards difference is enabled by a series of activities that are reasonably related and allow children to learn about the difference between them and the other people which surround them. The aim of the master's thesis was to investigate the factors of culture that influence the upbring of children, the feelings of educators when accepting a child from another cultural environment, ways of integrating children of other cultures into the group, the speed of adapting children of other cultures to the group, the effectiveness and speed of adaptation of children from other cultures, to determine the feelings of other children when adopting a child from another cultural environment to the group, to identify the main factors that inhibit the effective integration of children of other cultures into the kindergarten, to identify the role of parents of other children's cultures in involving children in the kindergarten, to determine whether there is a link between the culture of the child and successful integration into the kindergarten and between the education and working life of the educator and the successful integration of the child into the kindergarten, determine how teachers and kindergarten develop implementing curriculum in to the group, where children from other cultural backgrounds are and to determine the time that children from different cultures need to adapt to a new culture and other environment. The research was based on a quantitative research approach and a descriptive method of empirical qualitative research. In the quantitative part of the research we used a structured online questionnaire, which was designed for the purpose of research. We interviewed employees in kindergartens in Gorenjska region and Ljubljana. The collected data was quantitatively processed. In the qualitative part of the research, the data was obtained through a semi-structured interview. We have established a statistically significant correlation between the length of service and the involvement of a child from another culture to a group by the educator. Respondents with a shorter working time are more likely to agree with those mentioned as respondents with longer working time. A statistically significant correlation also occurs between the education and the appropriate period of adaptation for the child from other culture in to the group. Respondents with higher education more strongly agree that the child needs to be adapted as a respondent with lower education. On the basis of the obtained results of quantitative and qualitative research, we came to the realization that employees in kindergartens intercultural raise children and try to integrate children from other cultural backgrounds as effectively as possible, but we also detected certain areas in which they could improve their working methods. |