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Vloga praktičnega usposabljanja se v evropskem visokošolskem prostoru v okviru bolonjskega procesa povečuje in nenehno spreminja. Praktično usposabljanje študentov sta sistematično uvedli v svoje programe tudi Univerza v Ljubljani (UL) ter Fakulteta za družbene vede (FDV), kjer na dodiplomskem študiju programa Družboslovna informatika (DI) praktično usposabljanje poteka v okviru predmeta Praksa. V diplomskem delu najprej pregledamo splošne razmere na tem področju. V nadaljevanju predstavimo evalvacijske in interne ankete FDV, kodiramo in analiziramo poročila študentov DI o opravljeni praksi ter izvedemo tri ekspertne intervjuje. Na tej osnovi podamo sistematičen pregled poteka praktičnega usposabljanja na FDV in specifično na dodiplomskem programu DI. Pri tem smo proučili izkušnje vseh deležnikov: študentov, mentorjev in administracije FDV. Ugotovitve kažejo, da se vsi zavedajo koristnosti praktičnega usposabljanja. Izražajo tudi visoko zadovoljstvo glede celotnega poteka praktičnega usposabljanja. Pripombe so usmerjene predvsem v trajanje praktičnega usposabljanja. V zadnjem letu je izvedbo močno spremenila tudi pandemija covida 19, ki je otežila iskanje organizacij za opravljanje praktičnega usposabljanja. The importance of practical training in the European Higher Education Area and in the context of Bologna Process is increasing and constantly changing. The University of Ljubljana and the Faculty of Social Sciences have also systematically included practical training of students in their programs. At the undergraduate level of the Social Informatics program, practical training takes place in the course Internship and its evaluation is the focus of this thesis. We first give an overview of the general situation and then present the existing external and internal evaluations. Furthermore, we code and analyze all internship reports of the students and conduct three expert interviews. On this basis, we provide a systematic overview of the course of practical training at the faculty level and specifically in the program Social Informatics. We integrate the experiences of all stakeholders: students, mentors and faculty administration. The results show that all stakeholders are aware of the usefulness of practical training. They also express high satisfaction with the whole process of practical training. The comments mainly focus on the duration of practical training. Last year, the implementation was also severely disrupted by the pandemic COVID-19, which limited the interest of companies in practical training. |