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Modeliranje topografije, geoloških in geotehničnih razmer v gradbeništvu še ni uveljavljeno. Projekti BIM običajno ne vključujejo modela površja in podpovršja, zaradi česar so pogosto informacije o zemljinah neusklajene v procesu BIM. Z vključitvijo dodatnih informacij o površju in podpovršju v modele BIM, bi lahko procesi projektiranja, gradnje, sanacij ali rušenja omogočili nove načine uporabe BIM, ki bi lahko izboljšali upravljanje informacij v življenjskem ciklu gradbenih objektov. Zaradi vse bolj pogostega vključevanje zemljin v modele BIM, se pojavlja potreba po standardizaciji tovrstni modeli. Poleg tega se interoperabilnost med progami za geologijo in geotehniko ter BIM nenehno izboljšuje. Zato se naloga najprej osredotoča na primere projektov, na standarde in orodja za modeliranje površja in podpovršja tal, Na osnovi pregleda podajamo predlog digitalnega delotoka za modeliranje površja in podpovršja za zahtevne tehnološke projekte, ki ga tudi demonstriramo na primeru hidroelektrarne Mokrice. Današnji infrastrukturni projekti izpostavljajo vse večje povpraševanje po BIM, kar posledično zahteva novo strokovno znanje o metodah BIM za modeliranje topografije, geoloških in geotehničnih razmer. Zato ta teoretična študija in aplikativno raziskovalno delo predlaga pomembne delotoke, ki se lahko uporabijo v industriji pri tehnološko zahtevnih projektih. Predlagan pristop odpira številne možnosti za uporabo v digitalnih delotokih, ki lahko zagotovijo prihranke časa in denarja, upravljanje nepredvidenih dogodkov in težav v gradbeni industriji, ki se pojavljajo v življenjski dobi gradbenih objektov. The modelling of the topography, geological and geotechnical conditions is not yet common in the construction industry, and BIM projects usually do not include surface-subsurface models. Hence, information about the topography, geological and geotechnical conditions is often outdated and excluded from the BIM procedures. If the surface and subsurface information is available and included in the BIM models, the processes of design, planning, construction, rehabilitation or demolition could enable advanced uses and applications of BIM that can improve the construction life cycle management. With an increasing inclusion of the subsurface in BIM models, the need for standards for this type of models is emerging. Besides, the interoperability between geological/geotechnical software and BIM is continuously improving. Thus, this thesis first explores relevant project case studies, standards and software that enable modelling of the surface and subsurface in BIM. Based on the review, a digital workflow for modelling of surface-subsurface models for demanding technological facilities is proposed and tested on a case study of the hydro-power plant project HE Mokrice. Also, a proposal for standardisation in terms of the level of development for the surface-subsurface models is discussed, as well as some interoperability analysis between the software involved. Finally, given that the infrastructure projects expose an increasing demand for BIM, consequently, this requires expertise in BIM methodologies for modelling of topography, geological and geotechnical conditions this theoretical study and practical research work propose valuable workflows that can be implemented in the industry for technological projects. The proposed approach is opening a wide range of possibilities of uses in digital workflows that can generate significant savings in terms of time, costs, management of unforeseen events and problems for the AECO industry in the lifetime of constructions. |