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Dinarski jelovo-bukovi gozdovi so med bolj ohranjenimi gozdovi v Sloveniji. Kljub dolgoletni tradiciji načrtovanja in gospodarjenja se pojavljajo problemi, ki so povezani predvsem z nazadovanjem jelke (Abies alba Mill.) in neusklajenostjo živalske in rastlinske komponente v tem tipu gozda. Za uspešno gospodarjenje je poznavanje razmer v naravi prepuščenih sestojih (pragozdovih) ključnega pomena. V raziskavi smo primerjali štiri pragozdove (Rajhenavski Rog, Pečka, Krokar in Strmec) s primerljivimi oddelki v gospodarskem gozdu. Primerjali smo svetlobne razmere, pomlajevanje in teksturne ter strukturne značilnosti. Ugotovili smo, da je v gospodarskem gozdu statistično značilno več svetlobnega sevanja kot v pragozdu. Tudi drugi ekološki kazalniki kažejo na bolj izravnane razmere v PG. Razlike se kažejo tudi v pomlajevanju ter v strukturnih in teksturnih značilnostih. Pomlajevanje v pragozdu poteka izrazito malopovršinsko, medtem ko v gospodarskem gozdu, zaradi gospodarjenja spuščamo v sestoje več svetlobe. Take svetlobne razmere bolj odgovorjajo bukvi (Fagus sylvatica L.), ki jelko pogosto prehiti v rasti. V gospodarskem gozdu je gostota dreves večja, dimenzije dreves so manjše in večja je vrstna pestrost. Rezultati nakazujejo, da z gospodarjenjem pospešujemo vse ostale drevesne vrste, razen bukve. V arhitekturi mladja ni razlik, kar je verjetno posledica močnega vpliv rastlinojedov. Rezultati so potrdili, da z gojenjem gozdov spreminjamo sestojno zgradbo, da bi ohranili konkurenčno manj sposobne drevesne vrste, kot so iglavci in svetloljubne vrste. Kljub razlikam v zgradbi, pa proučevani raznomerni gospodarski gozdovi nakazujejo številne atribute staroraslih gozdov in s tem ustreznost Natura 2000 usmeritvam. Dinaric mixed mountain forests are among the most well-preserved forests in Slovenia. Despite long-standing tradition of forest planning and management problems occur which are particularly connected to fir (Abies alba Mill.) recession and disproportion between plant and animal component in this forest type. For successful management, knowledge of conditions in naturally developing stands (old-growth forests) is of key importance. Our research has compared four old-growth forests (Rajhenavski Rog, Pečka, Krokar and Strmec) to comparable sections of managed forest. Light conditions, regeneration, and textural and structural characteristics were compared. Significant differences have been found between old growth forests and managed forests. Light in this forest type is among the more important ecological factors as it is crucial for successful regeneration. It has been found that there is statistically significantly more light radiation in managed forest than in old-growth forest. Also other ecological indicators point to more equalized conditions in old-growth forest. Differences appear also in regeneration and structural and textural qualities. Regeneration in old-growth forest takes place on markedly small areas, while in managed forest more light is let into stands due to management. These light conditions favour beech which often takes over fir in growth. In managed forests the tree densities and diversity are higher. It appears that through management all other tree species are promoted except for beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). There was no difference in tree architecture of young trees which can be likely attributed to a strong influence of herbivores. The results confirmed that the silviculture changes the stand structure in order to maintain a competitive less capable species, such as conifers and light demanding species. Despite the differences in structure, the studied managed forests suggests several attributes of old-growthness and the adequacy of the Natura 2000 guidelines. |