Obnova urotelija sečnega mehurja mladih in starih miši po poškodbi s hitosanom

Autor: Erzar, Eva
Přispěvatelé: Erman, Andreja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: S starostjo organizmov se zmanjšuje sposobnost obnove tkiva po poškodbah. Pri mladih miših je obnova urotelija sečnega mehurja, ki predstavlja krvno-urinsko pregrado, po poškodbi z biopolimerom hitosanom že raziskana, medtem ko pri starih miših še ni bila preučena. V naši študiji smo povzročili nadzorovano luščenje urotelijskih celic mladih in starih miši s hitosanom. Hitosan ni toksičen in je v kombinaciji z antibiotiki že uspesšno pozdravil cistitis mladih miši, zato je primeren sprožilec luščenja urotelija. Procese obnove urotelija mladih in starih miši po luščenju smo analizirali ex vivo in in vivo. Cilj naše raziskave je bil primerjati potek obnove urotelija mladih in starih miših, da bi ugotovili, ali se struktrua in funkcija urotelija starih miši obnovita enako hitro kot pri mladih miših. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov smo želeli ugotoviti, ali bi bil hitosan lahko primerno pomožno terapevtsko sredstvo za zdravljenje bakterijskega cistitisa tudi pri starih miših. S svetlobno in elektronsko mikroskopsko analizo nismo opazili nobenih strukturnih razlik v obnavljanju urotelija med starostnima skupinama. Urotelij tako mladih kot starih miši se je med opazovanjem popolnoma obnovil, medtem ko se je funkcija urotelija obnovila hitreje pri starih miših. Kljub temu smo pri starih miših opazili manjšo zakasnitev pri vseh spremljanih procesih obnove ter razlike na subceličnem nivoju in v izražanju nekaterih genov, povezanih z mitohondriji in vnetjem. Prav tako smo dokazali, da hitosan sproži kratkotrajno akutno vnetje pri mladih in starih miših, ki izzveni brez posledic. Naše ugotovitve dajejo nove podatke o obnovi urotelija starih miši in nakazujejo možnost uporabe hitosana kot pomožnega terapevtskega sredstva pri zdravljenju cistitisa tudi pri starih miših, kar je dodana vrednost te metode za potencialni prenos v klinično prakso v prihodnosti. Aging of organisms leads to a decreased ability of tissue regeneration after injury. The regeneration after induced desquamation with biopolymer chitosan of mice bladder urothelium, which is an important blood-urine barrier, has already been studied, but not in old animals. In our study we induced controlled desquamation of urothelial cells of young and old mice with chitosan. Chitosan is a suitable inducer of desquamation, because it is nontoxic and in combination with antibiotics it has already successfully treated bacterial cystitis of young mice. We analyzed urothelial regeneration processes ex vivo and in vivo of both age groups. The aim of our study was to compare the course of the regeneration in young and old mice in order to determine whether the urothelial function and structure of old mice regenerates as in young mice. Ultimately we wanted to determine whether chitosan would be suitable as an auxiliary therapeutic agent for the treatment of bacterial cystitis also in old mice. With microscopic analysis we did not find any significant structural differences between both age groups, as the urothelium of young and old mice was restored during the observed period. In contrast, the urothelial function of old mice was restored faster than of young mice. We noticed a slight time delay in all regeneration processes of old mice in comparison to young mice. Moreover, differences have been found at the subcellular level and in the expression of some mitochondrial and inflammation associated genes. We have also proven that hitosan triggers short-term acute inflammation in both young and old animals, which passes without consequences. Our findings provide a new perspective on the ability of urothelial regeneration in old mice and suggest the possibility of using chitosan as an auxiliary therapeutic agent in the treatment of cystitis also in old mice, which could be the added value for potencial transfer to clinics in the future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE