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Likovni razvoj otrok poteka skozi različne razvojne stopnje. Te so postavljene okvirno, saj jih otroci lahko prehajajo zelo različno. Nekateri jih prehajajo hitreje, drugi počasneje. Nekateri znotraj posameznih stopenj razvijejo več podstopenj, spet drugi manj. Po eni strani je torej likovni razvoj pri vseh otrocih zelo podoben, po drugi pa so si otroci pri tem zelo različni. Na različno prehajanje faz pri otroku vplivajo njegovi geni, okolje in samodejavnost. Razlike in podobnosti v likovnem razvoju otrok je zato še posebno zanimivo opazovati pri otrocih, ki izhajajo iz istega okolja in imajo podobno genetsko osnovo, torej pri bratih in sestrah, zlasti pri dvojčkih, trojčkih ipd. Kljub temu da je bilo na področju likovnega razvoja narejenih že veliko raziskav, je zaradi težkega dostopa do ustreznega vzorca malo raziskav narejenih pri enojajčnih ali dvojajčnih dvojčkih ali trojčkih. Prav primerjava likovnega razvoja trojčkov je bila zato predmet naše raziskave. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej analizirali faze otrokovega likovnega razvoja na temelju obstoječih raziskav in predstavili dosedanje ugotovitve raziskav likovnega razvoja pri enojajčnih dvojčkih. V empiričnem delu smo nato izvedli študijo primera risb trojčic (od 1. do 12. leta starosti), med katerimi sta dve enojajčni, tretja pa ne. Vse trojčice odraščajo v isti družini, v istem okolju. Enojajčni trojčici imata enake gene, medtem ko si tretja sestra z njima v povprečju deli 50 % genov. Risbe trojčic, ki so narisane na isto temo ob istem času, smo likovno analizirali in jih med seboj primerjali glede na parametre likovnega jezika in na osnovi tega ugotavljali podobnosti in razlike v posamezni fazi likovnega razvoja. Še posebno nas je zanimalo, kako se razlikuje likovna ustvarjalnost dveh trojčic, ki sta enojajčni, v odnosu do tretje trojčice, ki je dvojajčna. Ker imata enojajčni trojčici enake tako gene kot okolje, vsaka pa ima svojo lastno voljo, trojčica, ki ni enojajčna, pa ima v primerjavi z njima deloma druge gene in enako okolje ter svojo lastno voljo, smo na podlagi obstoječih raziskav in literature ugotavljali, ali, in do katere mere, je mogoče razlike in podobnosti v likovnem razvoju trojčic pripisati genom, okolju in samodejavnosti. The artistic development of children goes through different developmental stages. The age when each stage appears is set roughly, as children pass through them differently - some faster than the others. Furthermore, some children develop more substages within each stage, while some of them do not. This means that the artistic development occurs in a similar manner in all children, but each child experiences it differently. Children’s genes, environment and one’s own activity influence how each child passes through stages. Therefore, it is interesting to observe the differences and similarities of the artistic development of children who come from the same environment and those who share a similar genetic basis, like siblings and especially twins, triplets, etc. Even though there are many researches concerning the field of artistic development, not many researches were published that deal with identical and fraternal twins or triplets, because there lacks a sufficient sample. Therefore, a comparison of the artistic development of triplets was the main topic of this dissertation. In theoretical part the stages of children’s artistic development were analysed based on the existing studies. Then, previous findings of the researches of the artistic development in identical twins were presented. The empirical part focused on a case study of triplets (aged from 1 to 12 years). Two of them are identical, one fraternal. All triplets are from the same family and live in the same environment. The identical twins have the same genes, while the third sister shares approximately 50% of the same genes. The drawings by them, which have the same theme and were drawn at the same time, were artistically analysed and compared according to the parameters of visual language. Based on that the similarities and differences were determined according to each stage of artistic development. We were especially curious how the identical triplets’ artistic creativity differs in relation to the fraternal triplet’s creativity. The identical twins have the same genes and the same environment, but also each their own will, while the fraternal triplet has partly different genes, shares the same environment as they do, but her own will. According to the existing research and literature, a study was made on how differences and similarities in the artistic development of triplets can be contributed to genes, environment, and one’s own activity. |