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Namen magistrskega dela je analizirati socialno demografske značilnosti uporabnikov humanitarnih storitev, prikazati njihov način spopadanja z učinki pretekle gospodarske krize in prikazati, kako se ta odraža v delovanju humanitarnih organizacij. Največja pozornost je namenjena vlogi Rdečega križa Slovenije in Območne organizacije Rdečega križa Domžale. Namen celotne raziskave je pomoč humanitarnim delavcem pri delu z uporabniki humanitarnih storitev. Opravljena je bila analiza gibanja in strukture uporabnikov humanitarnih storitev na podlagi podatkov, pridobljenih iz Rdečega križa Slovenije in preko vprašalnika, ki je bil razdeljen uporabnikom humanitarnih storitev. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da število uporabnikov humanitarnih storitev s pojavom gospodarske krize narašča - kljub znižanju brezposelnosti in zviševanju števila upravičencev do denarne socialne pomoči. Število teh se, kljub napovedim o izboljšanju socialnega položaja, gospodarski rasti ter zmanjševanju brezposelnosti, povečuje. Ugotavljam, da ne prejemajo socialnih transferjev ali jim ti ne omogočajo normalnega življenja, zato potrebujejo dodatno pomoč humanitarnih organizacij. V dani situaciji, ki pomeni v praksi brezposelnost in na drugi strani izkoriščanje delovne sile ter hkratno zmanjšanje socialnih transferjev, vidim rešitev v uvedbi univerzalnega temeljnega dohodka za vse. Le tako bomo lahko dosegli vse socialno ogrožene državljane. Prednost opravljene raziskave je celosten pregled nad socialno demografskimi značilnostmi uporabnikov humanitarnih storitev, ki izpostavlja ranljive skupine posameznikov, katerim je potrebno nameniti dodatno pomoč. Analiza uporabnikov humanitarnih storitev bo v pomoč Vladi RS in humanitarnim organizacijam pri dodeljevanju pomoči ter delu z uporabniki humanitarnih storitev. Izsledki bodo omogočili boljše poznavanje problematike in izboljšanje dela humanitarnih organizacij. The purpose of the master's thesis is to analyze the social demographic characteristics of users of humanitarian services, to show their way of dealing with the effects of the past economic crisis and how it is reflected in the functioning of humanitarian organizations. The focus is on the Red Cross and the Regional Organization of the Red Cross of Domzale. The purpose of the whole research is to help humanitarian workers deal with the users of humanitarian services. An analysis of the movement and structure of users of humanitarian services was carried out based on data obtained from the Red Cross of Slovenia and through a questionnaire distributed to users of humanitarian services. It was found that the number of users of humanitarian services is rising despite the decline in unemployment and the increase in the beneficiaries of financial social assistance. Despite predictions of social situation improvement, economic growth and reducing unemployment, the number of users increases. I find that they do not receive social transfers or these transfers do not allow them to live a normal life, so they need additional help from humanitarian organizations. In a given situation, which in practice means unemployment and, on the other hand, the exploitation of the labor force and the simultaneous reduction of social transfers, I see a solution to the introduction of the universal basic income for all. Only in this way will we be able to reach all socially endangered citizens. The advantage of the research carried out is a comprehensive overview of the social demographic characteristics of users of humanitarian services, which expose vulnerable groups of individuals who need additional help. An analysis of humanitarian users will help the government of the Republic of Slovenia and humanitarian organizations to grant assistance and work with humanitarian service users. The results will contribute to a better understanding of the problem and improving the work of humanitarian organizations. |