Primerjalna analiza stališč predsednikov do rasnega vprašanja v ZDA

Autor: Bučar, Bruno
Přispěvatelé: Durnik, Mitja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Diplomsko delo je napisano z namenom predstaviti problem rasizma v Združenih državah Amerike. V delu je opisana zgodovina temnopoltih prebivalcev, razloženo je, na kakšen način ameriški politični sistem omogoča predsedniku ZDA, da pomembno sooblikuje politiko do rasnega vprašanja, predstavljena so stališča izbranih predsednikov do rasnega vprašanja. Razloga za pisanje dela sta bila zanimanje za problem rasizma in zanimanje za ameriški politični sistem. V delu je bila uporabljena metoda analize vsebine, s katero so bili preučeni različni verodostojni spletni viri, knjige, članki in objave na družbenih omrežjih. Z zgodovinsko metodo in s pregledom zgodovinskih dejstev je predstavljena zgodovina rasizma v ZDA. Z metodo deskripcije sta opisana ameriški politični sistem in funkcija predsednika ZDA. Z metodo študije primera je predstavljen vpliv Donalda Trumpa na razmerje med temnopoltimi prebivalci in policijo. V okviru analize so bila ugotovljena stališča izbranih predsednikov ZDA do rasnega vprašanja, ugotovljeno je bilo, kakšne razlike med temnopoltimi prebivalci in belci delajo policisti med opravljanjem svojega dela ter vpliv Donalda Trumpa na razmerje med policijo in temnopoltimi prebivalci in kakšne so spremembe po protestih Black Lives Matter. The thesis was written in order to present the problem of racism in the United States of America. The work describes the history of African Americans, explains how the American political system allows the president of the United States to significantly co-shape policy on the racial issue, and also presents the positions of elected presidents on the racial issue. The reasons for writing the work were interest in the problem of racism and interest in the American political system. The work used the method of content analysis, with which various authentic Internet sources, books, articles and posts on social networks were examined. The history of racism in the United States is presented using a historical method and a review of historical facts. The American political system and the function of the President of the United States are described using the method of description. Using a case study method, the impact of Donald Trump on the relationship between African Americans and the police is presented. As part of the analysis, the positions of the elected presidents of the United States on the racial issue were determined, it was determined what differences between African Americans and whites police officers make when they do their work, the influence of Donald Trump on the relationship between the police and African Americans was determined, and what are changes after Black Lives Matter protests.
Databáze: OpenAIRE