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Diplomsko delo temelji na mojih dnevniških zapisih iz skicirk, kamor sem si dnevno beležila in skicirala stvari, ki so me pritegnile na takšen ali drugačen način. S pomočjo raziskave del svetovnih umetnikov, ki so se ukvarjali z beleženjem lastnega vsakdana v dnevnik, ter umetnikov, ki so v svoji umetniški praksi raziskovali teme najdenih predmetov in naključnega neznanca, sem iskala povezave z mojim načinom zaznavanja istih tem. Tako sem ustvarila serijo grafik, ki je nastala skozi analizo lastnih dnevnikov z združevanjem najdenih zapisov ter fotografij neznancev. Pri praktičnem delu sem se poglobila v tehniko sitotiska, kjer sem se ukvarjala s fotografijo, njeno razdelavo, kombiniranjem besedila ter fotografije, vsebinsko razdelovala temo naključnega neznanca ter ustvarila vizualni dnevnik, ki izhaja iz najdenih predmetov. The diploma thesis is based on my diary entries in sketchbooks, where I wrote down and sketched things that intrigued me in one way or another on a daily basis. By studying the works of artists throughout the world who recorded their day-to-day lives in a diary, and of artists who explored the motifs of found objects and the random stranger in their artistic practice, I searched for similarities with how I perceive the same motifs. That way, I created a series of graphics by analysing my own diary entries and combining them with the found texts and photographs of strangers. In the practical part of the thesis, I delved into the screen-printing technique, where I worked with photography, analysed it, combined text with photographs, analysed the content of the random stranger motif, and created a visual diary that is based on the found objects. |