Rastne in razvojne značilnosti drevja ter gozdnih sestojev na zgornji gozdni meji v Sloveniji

Autor: Pagon, Rajko
Přispěvatelé: Kadunc, Aleš
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Magistrska naloga poglobljeno obravnava rastne in rastiščne značilnosti, strukturo ter razvoj gozda na zgornji gozdni meji v Sloveniji. Na več izbranih lokacijah so bile opravljene meritve in zbrani podatki, na podlagi katerih smo potrdili ali deloma ovrgli hipoteze, postavljene v ta namen. Rezultati meritev in sinteza zbranih podatkov na osmih lokacijah kažejo na močan antropogeni vpliv in spremembe, ki sledijo po prenehanju le-tega. Glavne gozdne združbe na zgornji gozdni meji smo prepoznali s pomočjo fitocenoloških popisov v ohranjenih delih gozdnih sestojev. The master's thesis deals with growth and site characteristics, the structure and development of the forest in the upper timberline in Slovenia. Measurements were made and data collected on several selected locations based on which we confirmed or partly disproved the hypothesis formed for this purpose. The results of the measurements and the synthesis of the data collected at eight sites point to a strong anthropogenic influence and the changes that follow after the termination of such forces. We have identified the main forest communities in the upper timberline with the help of phytosociological inventories in the preserved parts of the forest stands.
Databáze: OpenAIRE