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Borofen je nov ter razmeroma neraziskan dvodimenzionalni nanomaterial, običajno sintetiziran v monoplasteh s pomočjo zapletenih ter finančno neugodnih pristopov od spodaj navzgor. Kljub omejeni dostopnosti teoretični izračuni borofenu pripisujejo superiorne lastnosti na področju shranjevanja vodika, katalitskih lastnosti, spektralne selektivnosti ter protikorozivnosti. Uporaba nanomaterialov v spektralno selektivnih premazih za solarne absorberje danes skupaj z visoko solarno absorpcijo omogoča izjemno nizko termično emisivnost, rezultat česar je večji energetski izkoristek solarne energije v primerjavi s klasičnimi absorberskimi premazi. Poleg tega dvodimenzionalni nanomateriali omogočajo preprosto nadzorljivo modifikacijo svojih optičnih lastnosti s pomočjo funkcionalizacije površine ali nadzora dimenzij delcev. Čeprav so si dvodimenzionalni nanomateriali med seboj strukturno podobni, se njihove lastnosti lahko precej razlikujejo, zato moramo za posamezne aplikacije najboljše kandidate še identificirati. V okviru magistrskega dela sem iz prekurzorskega plastovitega borofena s pomočjo eksfoliacije v suspenziji (LPE) uspešno pripravil eno in nekajplastne borofenske nanoploščice. Tako sintezo plastovitega kot tudi nekajplastnega borofena sem pri tem natančno preučil, oba produkta pa karakteriziral s pomočjo vrstične elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) ter mikroskopa na atomsko silo (AFM). Z namenom nadaljnje uporabe sem identificiral zanesljivo tehniko za nanašanje homogenih enoplastnih ter debelejših filmov ţelenih debelin borofenskih nanoploščic na različne substrate. Razvite tehnike sem uporabil za merjenje optičnih ter protikorozijskih lastnosti nanoploščic. Ugotovil sem, da borofen absorbira kar 90% svetlobe v UV delu spektra, pri tem pa izkazuje zgolj rahlo spektralno selektivnost, a dobre protikorozijske lastnosti. Borophene is a new, poorly researched 2D nanomaterial, normally synthesized in monolayers using complicated and expensive bottom-up approaches. Although it's availability is fairly limited, borophene's theoretical calculations predict it's superior properties in terms of hydrogen storage, catalytic activity, spectral selectivity and anticorrosive activity. The use of nanomaterials in spectrally selective coatings for solar absorbers is capable of high solar absorbtion, combined with extremely low thermal emission, which results in greater energy yield compared to traditional absorber coatings. 2D nanomaterials also allow for a fairly simple modification of their optical properties through surface functionalization or particle dimension control. Despite the fact that different 2D nanomaterials have a rather similar structure, their properties can vary greatly, which is why the best candidate for each application is yet to be found. In my master's thesis I resorted to liquid phase exfoliation to successefully prepare mono and few-layered borophene from multilayered precursor material. I researched the synthesis path of both materials in great detail and characterized both using methods such as scanning electron microscopy and atomic force mocroscopy. To give myself access to further applications I also identified a reliable technique for formation of uniform monolayered films and films of controlled thickness. I used these techniques to obtain information about optical and anticorrosive properties of borophene nanoplatelets. It turns out that borophene absorbs 90% of solar energy in the UV part of the spectrum, while exhibiting poor spectral selectivity, but great anticorrosive effect. |