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Nastanek diplomskega dela temelji na potrebi po poenostavitvi postopka preizkušanja delovanja teraherčnih (THz) senzorskih modulov. Preizkušanje modulov je smiselno izvesti pred zadnjim korakom izdelave modulov, v katerem se nanje namesti teraherčno občutljive senzorje in nizkošumne (LNA) ojačevalnike. Senzorji so mehansko in elektrostatično zelo občutljivi. Obstaja torej možnost neoptimalnega delovanja senzorjev in s tem oteženo določanje mesta napake na modulih. Zato je preizkušanje modulov smiselno izvesti pred namestitvijo senzorjev. Diplomsko delo vsebuje opise o izdelovanju modulov, preizkušanju delovanja le teh in razloge za izdelavo preizkuševalne naprave. Vključuje obširnejši opis analogno digitalnega pretvornika ADS8568. Sledi opis izdelane preizkuševalne naprave in v programskem okolju LabVIEW izdelanega krmilnega programa, s katerim so izvajane meritve. V zadnjem poglavju so predstavljeni rezultati meritev. The foundation of the thesis is based on the need for simplification of the testing process of terahertz sensor modules. Module testing should be performed before the last step of module production in which terahertz sensors and low noise amplifiers (LNA) are installed. The sensors can be easily mechanically damaged and are very sensitive to electrostatic discharges. There is a possibility of sub-optimal operation of the sensors and this makes it difficult to determine the fault location on the modules. Therefore, it is reasonable to perform module testing before installing the sensors. The diploma thesis contains descriptions of module production, testing of its operation and reasons for the construction of the testing device. It includes a more extensive description of the operation of the ADS8568 analogue to digital converter. The following is a description of the testing device which I made and the description of a control program created in the LabVIEW programming environment. The last section presents the results of the measurements. |