Autor: Toplak, Blaž
Přispěvatelé: Kolar, Mitja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Svetovne potrebe po energiji zaradi hitre rasti prebivalstva in napredka v tehnologiji hitro rastejo. Posledično je potrebno zagotoviti zanesljiv, neusahljiv in cenovno ugoden vir energije. Rešitev se kaže v obnovljivih virih energije. Sončna energija je med obnovljivimi viri dolgoročno ena najboljših opcij v boju proti energijski krizi. Glavni razlog je v tem, da je enostavno dostopna, je neizčrpen vir energije ter nima negativnih vplivov na ekosisteme in žive organizme. Trenutno svetovna fotovoltaična industrija sloni na proizvodnji silicijevih sončnih celic, katerih proizvodnja ekonomsko ni najbolj upravičena razvoj pa je usmerjen že v tretjo generacijo sončnih celic, kamor uvrščamo tudi perovskitne sončne celice. V svojem magistrskem delu sem se posvetil optimizaciji posameznih plasti v perovskitnih sončnih celicah. Okarakteriziral sem tako posamezne plasti kot celotno celico. Kristalizacija perovskitne plasti je eden izmed ključnih procesov pri uspešni proizvodnji perovskitnih sončnih celic. Primerjal sem, kako se razlikujejo sončne celice, pripravljene v dveh podobnih topilih: 2-propanolu in heksafluoroizopropanolu. Fluor v strukturi povzroči tvorbo vodikovih vezi, ki spremeni potek in hitrost reakcije iz PbI2 v MAPbI3. Primerjal sem tudi perovskitne sončne celice, pripravljene s HTM in zlato elektrodo, ter celice brez HTM in ogljikovo elektrodo. Global energy needs are growing because of rapid population growth and technological development. Preventing the energy crisis has become one of the primary goals of the twenty-first century. As a result, it is necessary to provide reliable, limitless, and affordable energy. Renewable energy is showing promising results against the energy crisis. Solar energy is, among many renewable sources, the best option for the future in the long run in the battle against the energy crisis. The main reason is that it is the world’s most accessible, is an inexhaustible source of energy and has no side effects on ecosystems and living organisms. Currently, the global photovoltaic industry relies on producing silicon solar cells, which is not justified economically. For this reason, governments have invested many resources in other types of photovoltaics. As a result of development, we have developed the third generation of solar cells. These also include perovskite solar cells. My thesis focused on optimising individual layers in perovskite solar cells. I characterized every layer and the entire cell. Crystallization of the perovskite layer is crucial to get good power conversion efficiency. In the thesis, I compared solar cells prepared in two similar solvents: 2-propanol and hexafluoroisopropanol. The fluorine in the structure causes the formation of hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds change the course and rate of the reaction from PbI2 to MAPbI3. I also compared perovskite solar cells prepared with HTM and a gold electrode and cells without HTM and a carbon electrode.
Databáze: OpenAIRE