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Organizacijska kultura je dandanes zelo proučevana spremenljivka, ki bistveno vpliva na učinkovitost in uspešnost organizacij. Teoretično obstaja več razlag samega pojma, najpogosteje omenjena pa pravi, da je organizacijska kultura sestavljena iz temeljnih predpostavk in prepričanj zaposlenih, ki delujejo na nezavedni ravni. Pojem preko norm, vrednot, simbolov in prepričanj določa obnašanje ter odzivanje zaposlenih na probleme in na ta način oblikuje pojavno obliko neke organizacije. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na teoretično raziskavo organizacijske kulture, njenega vpliva na delovanje organizacij v javnem sektorju ter merjenja organizacijske kulture Občine Radovljica. Cilj diplomskega dela je na podlagi opravljene raziskave s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika Občini Radovljica priporočiti ustrezne predloge za smiselnejšo organizacijsko kulturo. Ugotovitve raziskave so pokazale, da trenutno prevladuje hierarhična kultura, zaposleni pa si v prihodnosti želijo kulturo klana. V diplomskem delu smo navedli predloge, katerih uporaba bi zaposlenim na Občini Radovljica pomagala k začetku razvoja organizacijske kulture v smeri želene kulture klana. Upoštevanje predlogov in izsledkov raziskave bi pripomoglo k spoznanju problema napačne organizacijske kulture in k začetku gradnje proti želeni organizacijski kulturi ter jo po doseženi stopnji tudi ohranjati. Ob nespremenjenem stanju, lahko pričakujemo veliko nezadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu, manjšo produktivnost in uspešnost ter slabše medsebojne odnose. An organizational culture is nowadays a highly studied variable that significantly influences the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations. Theoretically, there are several explanations of the very concept itself, and the most commonly mentioned is that organizational culture consists of the unconscious level of basic assumptions and beliefs of employees. The concept determines the behavior and response of employees to problems through their norms, values, symbols and beliefs and in this way forms the manifestation of an organization. The thesis focuses on the theoretical research of the organizational culture, its impact on the functioning of organizations in the public sector and the quantification of the organizational culture of the Municipality of Radovljica. The aim of the thesis is to recommend to the Municipality of Radovljica appropriate proposals toward a more meaningful organizational culture based on a research carried out with the help of a survey questionnaire. The findings of the research have shown that hierarchical culture prevails at the moment, while the employees wish for a clan culture to form in the future. In the theses we have put forward suggestions, the use of which would help employees in the Municipality of Radovljica to begin the development of an organizational culture in the direction of the desired culture of the clan. Taking into account the suggestions and results of the research would help to recognize the problem of the wrong organizational culture and to start building towards the desired organizational culture and to maintain it well after the achieved level. In the unaltered state, we can expect great dissatisfaction in the workplace, lower productivity and performance, and poorer mutual relations. |