Prototip mobilne aplikacije za prodajo domačih prehranskih produktov

Přispěvatelé: Rupnik, Rok
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Cilj diplomske naloge je razvoj prototipa spletne in mobilne aplikacije za prodajo domačih prehranskih produktov, prek katere bodo obstoječe in potencialne nove stranke imele lažji pregled nad ponudbo izdelkov in oddajale naročila za nakupe. Prav tako bo lastniku trgovine omogočilo lažji pregled nad željami kupcev, statistiko prodaje in samimi nakupljenimi količinami določenega produkta, od katerih je odvisna potrebna zaloga tega. Prototip aplikacije sem najprej razvil kot spletno stran v ogrodju Vue.js in jo nato s pomočjo ponudnika GoNative pretvoril v mobilno aplikacijo za Android operacijski sistem. Za registracijo uporabnikov, košarico in zaključek nakupa sem uporabil Snipcart. Integracija tega je zelo hitra, njegova uporabnost pa je, da spremenim spletno stran v spletno trgovino. Snipcart prek svoje administracije omogoča ogled statistike prodaje, zgodovine naročil, upravljanje uporabnikov in še nekatere druge funkcionalnosti, ki za potrebe te diplomske naloge niso ključne. Za shranjevanje podatkov o izdelkih, novicah in pričevanjih sem uporabil Firebase ponudnika Google, ki omogoča, da se spremembe in novosti v trgovini uporabniku prikazujejo v realnem času. The aim of the thesis is to develop a prototype of an online and mobile application for the sale of domestic food products, through which existing and potential new customers will more easily have an overview of the product offer and place orders for purchases. It will also give the store owner an easier overview of customer preferences, sales statistics and the purchased quantities of a particular product, on which the required stock depends. I first developed the prototype app as a website in the Vue.js framework and then turned it into a mobile app for the Android operating system with the help of a GoNative. For the shopping cart, chekout process and registering users I used Snipcart. Its integration is very fast and its usefulness is to turn a website into an online store. Through its administration, Snipcart enables the viewing of sales statistics, order history, user management and some other functionalities that are not crucial for the needs of this thesis. To store products, news, and testimonials data, I used Google’s Firebase, which allows changes and innovations in the store to be displayed to the user in real-time.
Databáze: OpenAIRE