Přispěvatelé: Durnik, Mitja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Ekonomska kriza je pospešila razvoj dopolnjene vloge drţave in z njo povezanih procesov regulacije. Delovanje drţave je potrdilo, da druţbene ureditve ne morejo delovati brez določenih druţbenih regulativnih okvirov. V magistrskem delu smo proučili in predstavili ugotovitve, povezane z načini reguliranja zdravstvenega sistema na Nizozemskem, v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem. Primerjali smo vlogo drţave in trga, decentralizacijo pristojnosti za reguliranje, vpliv na pravice drţavljanov, vlogo javnega zdravja in ugotavljanje učinkov regulacije. V delu smo uporabili več metod. Načine reguliranja zdravstvenih sistemov treh drţav smo razčlenili z analitično metodo, podatke, s katerimi smo podkrepili ugotovitve, pa smo pridobili tudi z intervjuji. Pri primerjavi in opisu podobnosti ter različnosti regulativnih značilnosti smo uporabili komparativno in deskriptivno metodo, zbrane podatke in raziskovalne ugotovitve avtorjev pa smo povezali z metodo kompilacije. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da v zdravstvenih sistemih izbranih drţav delno prevladuje decentralizacija regulacije zdravstvenega varstva in narašča pomen trga. Narašča tudi pomen javnega zdravja in vpliv drţavljanov na oblikovanje zdravstvene politike ter uveljavljanje njihovih pravic na področju zdravstvenega varstva. Sistem ugotavljanja učinkov regulacije na področju zdravstvenega varstva ima vzpostavljena le Nizozemska. Slovenija in Hrvaška imata na ravni vlade skupni okvir, ki ga sestavljajo različni dokumenti, na področju zdravstvenega varstva pa ocenjevanje vpliva predpisov in z njimi povezana presoja učinkov še ni prevladujoča. The economic crisis has accelerated the development of complementary roles of government and the related processes of regulation. Functioning of the state has confirmed that the social system cannot function without social regulatory frameworks. In the present master’s thesis we examined and presented the findings associated with the methods of the regulatory regime of the health care system in the Netherlands, in Slovenia and in Croatia. We compared the role of the state and market, the decentralization of regulatory powers, the influence on the citizens' rights, the role of public health and the assessment of regulation effects. Several methods were used: the analytical method for the examination of the regulatory regime of healthcare systems in the three selected countries the comparative and the descriptive methods were used for comparing and describing the similarity and diversity of the regulatory features and the method of compilation was used to connect the collected data with the research findings of different authors. The data for substantiating the findings was obtained through interviews. The findings have shown that in the selected countries, the decentralization of the regulation of health care partially dominates, and is parallel to the growing importance of the market. The importance of public health is increasing, as well as the citizens’ influence on the healthcare policy design and the observation of their health care rights. The results have also shown that only in the Netherlands they have established a system for determining the effects of regulation on their health care system. While Slovenia and Croatia both have a common framework at the level of the central government that consists of various documents, the assessment of the impact of regulations and the related estimation of the effects are not yet prevailing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE