Tema lepotice in zveri v literaturi in filmskih adaptacijah

Autor: Saje, Gea
Přispěvatelé: Smolej, Tone
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: V magistrskem delu predstavljam skupne značilnosti in razlike sedmih različic zgodbe Lepotica in zver. Središče primerjalne analize, predvsem skozi primerjavo likov, so ideje o ljubezni, lepoti, poroki, pravilnih družinskih odnosih in zverinskosti ter njihovo spreminjanje skozi čas. Dela so izbrana zaradi svoje priljubljenosti, ali pa raznolikosti, ki prikaže razvoj našega mišljenja o omenjenih temah. Analiziram Apulejevo Pravljico o Amorju in Psihe, ljudsko pravljico Vzhodno od sonca, zahodno od lune, pravljici Lepotica in zver (avtoric de Beaumont in de Villeneuve), Cocteaujev in Disneyjev istoimenski film ter Lepotica in zver ali kaj se je zgodilo z Danico D.? Iva Svetine. Te zgodbe ljubezen prikazujejo tako kot silo, ki človeka obnori, kakor tudi kot izvor motivacije za spreminjanje samega sebe. Ženska lepota je občasno prekletstvo, lahko pa je tudi prednost (pri pridobivanju partnerja). Včasih je zunanja lepota likov njihova najpomembnejša lastnost, drugič je v ospredju notranja lepota Lepotice in Zveri. Zgodba Lepotica in zver je tako raznolika, da lahko vsebuje sporočilo o moči sočutja in ljubezni ter poziv k pragmatični odločitvi za poroko s prijaznim bogatašem, ne glede na njegov videz. Adaptacije nam tako kažejo našo potrebo po nenehnem preizpraševanju večnih vprašanj. I present in my master's thesis the commonalities and differences of seven versions of Beauty and the Beast. The core of the comparative analysis, done especially by means of comparing characters, are ideas of love, beauty, marriage, healthy familial relationships and beastliness, and their changes though time. These works have been chosen due to their popularity or their diversity, demonstrating development of our way of thinking about the aforementioned topics. I analyse The Tale of Cupid and Psyche by Apuleius, the folk fairytale East of the Sun and West of the Moon, the Beauty and the Beast fairytales (by de Villeneuve and de Beaumont), the eponymous films by Jean Cocteau and Disney Studios, and Beauty and the Beast or what happened to Danica D.? by Ivo Svetina. These stories portray love as a maddening force as well as an origin of power to transform oneself. Female beauty can at times be a curse, but it can also be an advantage (at obtaining a partner). Physical beauty is occasionally the most important character attribute at other times the focus of the stories is the inner beauty of the Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast is diverse enough to contain messages of the power of empathy and love as well as a call for a pragmatic decision to marry a kind rich man, regardless of his apperance. Adaptations have therefore exposed our need for ceaseless questioning of timeless questions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE