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Magistrsko delo zajema primerjalne analize in dimenzioniranje upogibno obremenjenega, neutrjenega in utrjenega armiranobetonskega nosilca s CFRP lamelo. Za obstoječi armiranobetonski nosilec neznanih karakteristik je najprej z uporabo nedestruktivnih in destruktivnih metod prikazana ocena trenutnega stanja, geometrije, lege armaturnih palic in materialnih karakteristik. Določitev le-teh je pomembna za natančnost in uspešnost vseh nadaljnjih analiz in dimenzioniranja utrditvene CFRP lamele. V okviru dela je izveden štiri točkovni upogibni preizkus neutrjenega in utrjenega armiranobetonskega nosilca. Po opravljenem eksperimentu se je izvedlo numerično analizo s programom Abaqus in analitični izračun v skladu s standardom Eurocode ter medsebojna primerjava rezultatov obeh analiz. S primerjavo rezultatov analitičnega izračuna in numerične analize z eksperimentalnimi rezultati je bila ugotovljena natančnost določitve dejanskega obnašanja tako neutrjenega kot tudi utrjenega realnega nosilca s pomočjo analitičnih in numeričnih metod. V zadnjem delu je skladno s standardi in priporočili narejen izračun dimenzioniranja utrjenega armiranobetonskega nosilca s CFRP lamelo v projektnem stanju. Rezultati dimenzioniranega »računskega« stanja utrjenega nosilca so primerjani z rezultati predhodnih analiz dejanskega stanja s čimer se pokaže potrebna varnost pri dimenzioniranju. Na podlagi izpeljanih izrazov za dimenzioniranje in računskih kontrol iz priporočil je narejen preprost program za optimalno dimenzioniranje upogibne utrditve armiranobetonskega nosilca s CFRP lamelo. The master's thesis deals with strengthening of a girder made of reinforced concrete with a CFRP laminate under bending load. It includes several different analysis and dimensioning of a non-strengthened and strengthened reinforced concrete girder with a CFRP laminate. The use of non-destructive and destructive methods conveys the dimensions, position of rebars and material characteristics of the existent reinforced concrete girder. The determination of those is crucial for the accuracy and successfulness of all further analysis and dimensioning of the strengthening CFRP laminate. The thesis includes a four point bending test of both non-strengthened and strengthened reinforced concrete girder. After the experiment several analysis were conducted, a numerical analysis using the Abaqus software, an analytical calculation in accordance to the Eurocode standard and finally a comparison of the two. The comparison of the results of the analytical calculation and the numerical analysis with the results of the experiment yielded the accuracy of the determined behaviour for the non-strengthened and strengthened girder with the help of analytical and numerical methods. The last part consists of assessment of the load-bearing capacity of the strengthened reinforced concrete girder with a CFRP laminate in accordance to corresponding standards and recommendations. The results of the projects »Design« state for the strengthened girder are compared to the results of the beforehand made analysis of the actual state which shows the necessary safety for dimensioning. A simple software for optimal dimensioning of a bending loaded reinforced concrete girder with a CFRP laminate was developed based on the equations for dimensioning and calculus based safety controls in correspondence with recommendations. |