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Namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati in razviti možnosti intraneta, ga izdelati in vpeljati v proces uvajanja novih zaposlenih pri podjetju MESI, razvoj medicinskih naprav, d.o.o. Pri izdelavi smo se opirali na oblikovanje, usmerjeno v uporabnika. Projekt kot celoto smo na koncu tudi analizirali. Izpeljave projekta smo se lotili v več fazah, ki so temeljile na principu dvojnega diamanta. V fazi odkrivanja smo zbrali informacije glede procesa uvajanja, predloge za izboljšanje le-tega, intervjuvali smo uporabnike in pregledali informacije, ki bi jih intranet moral vsebovati. Nadaljevali smo s fazo definiranja, kjer smo se odločili za izdelavo intraneta kot spletnega mesta, opredelili smo dva profila uporabnikov, izdelali zemljevid uporabniške poti in intranet umestili vanj ter postavili informacijsko arhitekturo. V fazi razvoja smo izdelali žične modele, jih testirali in na podlagi teh izdelali intranet kot spletno mesto WordPress, kamor smo vnesli tudi vse vsebine. Za lažjo oceno projekta smo v fazi vzpostavitve povezali Google analitiko in Hotjar z izdelanim intranetom. Za vse trenutno zaposlene smo pripravili anketo o uporabi intraneta. Želeli smo pridobiti tudi informacije o osebni izkušnji zaposlenih, ki intranet uporabljajo, zato smo izvedli še dodaten intervju. Spoznali smo tudi izkušnjo zaposlene z novim procesom uvajanja, in sicer preko njene ocene digitalizacije procesa uvajanja. Rezultat magistrske naloge je izdelan intranet kot spletno mesto, ki po ocenah uporabnikov olajša proces uvajanja novozaposlenih in jih razbremeni na njihov prvi delovni dan. Intranet vsebuje vse informacije, pregledno razporejene na enem mestu, ter omogoča preprosto dodajanje oz. posodabljanje le-teh. Z analizo smo pridobili tudi povratne informacije o tem, kaj lahko izboljšamo v prihodnje in kako lahko nadgradimo oz. še izboljšamo proces uvajanja. The purpose of this master's thesis was to research and develop an intranet and implement it to the process of onboarding new employees to the company MESI, development of medical devices, Ltd. We followed the User-centred Design Guidelines in our development. When the project was finished, we analysed and evaluated it as a whole. We based our project on the double diamond framework. In the discovery phase, we gathered information about the current onboarding process in the company, and how it could be advanced. We interviewed the users and made an overview of all the information we would have to incorporate into the intranet. In the next phase, the define phase, we decided to make the intranet a webpage and defined the two types of user profiles. We created a user journey map that helped us see where the intranet could fit into the onboarding process. We also built information architecture. In the development phase, we designed the wireframes and tested them. Further on, we developed the intranet as a WordPress webpage and added all the content to it. In the delivery phase, we connected our intranet to Google Analytics and Hotjar. We did a survey among our employees about the intranet and its usage. We wanted to know what the personal experiences of the intranet users were like, so we did another user interview. We also talked about a first-hand experience of the onboarding process with an employee, who was evaluating the digitalisation of this process. The result of this master's thesis is the intranet, developed as a webpage, which makes the onboarding process in the company easier for all users, and makes their first day on the job less stressful. The intranet includes all the information its content is clear and easily accessible. Another benefit is that its information can be easily updated. With the project evaluation, we also gathered some insightful information on how we can advance our current onboarding process and how we can upgrade the intranet. |