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The United States (US) has always had a difficult relationship with international organisations in seeking to resolve its claims for sovereignty and its self-conception of being an exception to the need for multilateralism in our world of complex interdependence. For at least two decades, the US has had an ever more difficult relationship with the majority in the United Nations (UN). This essay analyses the US-UN relationship from a European perspective and argues that the time has come for the European Union in particular to take the lead in protecting the values incarnated in the UN Charter. V prizadevanjih, da bi uravnotežile svoje zahteve po suverenosti in samo podobo izjemnosti s potrebami po multilateralizmu v svetu kompleksne soodvisnosti, so imele Združene države Amerike (ZDA) vedno težaven odnos z mednarodnimi organizacijami. V primerjavi s tem postaja vsaj v zadnjih dveh desetletjih odnos ZDA z večino v Združenih narodih (ZN) še težavnejši. Prispevek analizira odnos ZDA - ZN z evropske perspektive in ugotavlja, da je za Evropsko unijo napočil čas, da prevzame vodstvo pri varovanju temeljnih vrednot, izoblikovanih v Ustanovni listini ZN. |