Populacijska genomika in varstvo jadranskega lipana Thymallus aeliani (Valenciennes, 1848) v reki Soči

Autor: Bravničar, Jernej
Přispěvatelé: Snoj, Aleš
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Namen doktorskega dela je bilo preveriti trenutno stanje populacij lipana v soškem porečju, oceniti stopnjo introgresije in dosedanje napore varovanja, ter izdelati izboljšan genotipizacijski test za določanje domorodnega genomskega deleža, ki bi temeljil na vrstno specifičnih SNP markerjih. Test smo izdelali na podlagi referenčnih muzejskih primerkov Thymallus aeliani (ki izvirajo iz obdobja pred antropogenimi prenosi) in sedanjih populacij te vrste iz reke Sesije in Adiže v primerjavi s populacijami vrste T. thymallus, ki predstavljajo vir poribljavanja areala jadranskega lipana iz donavskega porečja. Z metodo NGS ddRAD smo pridobili 112k polimorfnih jedrnih markerjev na 40k ddRAD-značkah. Test nam omogoča, da na podlagi 21k ddRAD-značk, ločimo domorodne alele jadranskega lipana iz reke Soče od tujerodnih alelov evropskega lipana iz reke Save. Ugotavljamo, da je sedanja populacija v porečju Soče roj križancev, pri katerih ne zaznamo več neprekinjenih domorodnih genskih kompleksov. Tekom raziskave smo v reki Soči opazili tudi znaten upad populacije lipana. Na podlagi naštetega ugotavljamo, da je reševanje jadranskega lipana v reki Soči mogoče le s prenosom genetsko skladne populacije iz reke Sesije, pri kateri smo odkrili celovit genom značilen za vrsto T. aeliani. Le majhen delež alelnih variant (3k/40k) značilen za domorodni genom jadranskega lipana iz reke Soče, ki smo ga odkrili pri muzejskih primerkih, ni prisoten pri lipanih iz Sesije. To nakazuje na visoko skladnost teh dveh populacij, vendar pa visok FST (0,37) na polimorfnih mestih, narekuje previdnost pri prenosu. Analize adaptivnih lokusov razkrivajo 58 potencialnih adaptivnih lokusov, kjer je frekvenca alelov med tema populacijama neskladna (FST' > 0). Povečini so ti lokusi vezani na imunski odziv in verjetno določajo odpornost na lokalno prisotne patogene. The aim of the doctoral thesis was to check the current state of grayling in the Soča River basin, to assess the levels of introgression and previous conservation efforts, and to develop an improved genotyping test to determine the native genomic proportion based on species-specific SNP markers. The test was made based on museum specimens of T. aeliani (originating before anthropogenic translocations) and extant populations of this species from the Sesia and Adige Rivers, which were compared with populations of T. thymallus from the Danube basin, that represent a source of translocations into the Adriatic grayling species range. Using the NGS ddRAD method, we obtained 112k polymorphic nuclear markers on 40k ddRAD-tags. The test enables distinction between native alleles of the Adriatic grayling in Soča river and non-native alleles of the European grayling from Sava River, based on 21k ddRAD-tags. We conclude that extant populations in Soča River is a hybrid swarm in which continuous native gene complexes, could not be detected. During the study, a significant decline of grayling population in Soča River was detected. The rescue of the Adriatic grayling in the Soča River is thus only possible by translocation of suitable population from the Sesia River, in which specimens with intact native genome for T. aeliani were observed. Only a small proportion of allelic variants (3k / 40k) characteristic of the native Adriatic grayling genome from the Soča River, found in museum specimens, is absent in grayling from Sesia. This suggests high suitability for translocation, but high FST (0.37) at polymorphic sites between these two populations calls for attention during this action. Analysis of adaptive loci revealed 58 potential adaptive loci where the frequency of alleles between these two populations were inconsistent (FST '> 0). Most of these loci are responsible for immune response, i.e., resistance to locally present pathogens.
Databáze: OpenAIRE