Religijska simbolika

Autor: Jančar, Maja
Přispěvatelé: Škamperle, Igor
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Religije so v vsej zgodovini prispevale k temeljem civilizacij, neposredno pa vplivajo tudi na sodobne odnose med narodi in pomembne svetovne dogodke. V vsej zgodovini človeštva, tudi pred prvimi zapisanimi poročili, najdemo dokaze, da je religija nepogrešljiva prvina življenja (Forty, 2006 Houston, 1996). Religije so prežete z vidnimi in nevidnimi simboli, ki so več kot preprosta znamenja: segajo onstran pomena, ki je odvisen od interpretacije, ta pa od predispozicije. Simbol je nabit s čustvenostjo in dinamiko. Ne le predstavlja in obenem zastira, marveč tudi udejanja in obenem razdira (Škamperle, 2013: 55). V svojem magistrskem delu sem obravnavala dve največji svetovni religiji – islam in krščanstvo – ter ugotavljala podobnosti in razlike med njima na podlagi religijske simbolike. Predstavila sem definicijo religije, definicijo simbola in razliko med simbolom in znakom. Splošneje sem opisala obe religiji in najznačilnejše simbole za eno in drugo religijo. Osredotočila sem se na pomen oblačil, praznikov ter vidnih verskih simbolov. Zanimalo me je, če imajo pripadniki islama in krščanstva do nasprotne religije predsodke, zakaj jih imajo in kakšni ti predsodki so, zato sem opravila intervju s pripadniki ene in druge religije. Predsodke in dojemanje ene in druge vere sem predstavila v prvem sklopu intervjuja, v drugem sklopu pa sem raziskovala pomen praznikov ter ugotavljala, če so prazniki v obeh religijah izgubili versko konotacijo in nastopajo le še kot del množične kulture in zakaj naj bi do tega prišlo. Naredila sem primerjavo vlog določenih simbolov v eni in drugi religiji. Svoje ugotovitve sem predstavila v posebnem poglavju. Throughout history, religions have contributed to the foundations of civilizations, and they also directly influence modern relations between nations and important world events. Throughout human history, even before the first recorded reports, we find evidence that religion is an indispensable element of life (Forty, 2006 Houston, 1996). Religions are imbued with visible and invisible symbols that are more than simple signs: they extend beyond meaning, which depends on interpretation, which in turn depends on predisposition. The symbol is charged with emotion and dynamism. It not only represents and at the same time obscures, but also realizes and at the same time tears (Škamperle, 2013: 55). In my master's thesis, I discussed the two largest world religions – Islam and Christianity – and identified similarities and differences between them based on religious symbolism. I presented the definition of religion, the definition of a symbol, and the difference between a symbol and a sign. I have described more generally both religions and the most characteristic symbols for one and the other religion. I have focused on the importance of clothing, holidays, and prominent religious symbols. I was interested in whether members of Islam and Christianity have prejudices against the opposite religion, why they have them, and what these prejudices are, so I interviewed members of both religions. I presented the prejudices and perceptions of both religions in the first part of the interview, and in the second part I researched the meaning of holidays and found out if holidays in both religions have lost their religious connotation and appear only as part of mass culture and why this should happen. I made a comparison of the roles of certain symbols in both religions. I presented my findings in a separate chapter.
Databáze: OpenAIRE