Two-dimensional core-softened model with water like properties

Autor: Podjed, Nina, Urbič, Tomaž
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Molecular simulation, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 973-981, 2021.
ISSN: 0892-7022
Popis: Monte Carlo simulations and integral equation theory were used to study the thermodynamics and structure of mixture of particles interacting through the smooth version of Stell–Hemmer interaction and non-polar particles interacting through Lennard–Jones interaction in two dimensions. The theoretical results are tested against the Monte Carlo computer simulations. Very good agreement between the integral equation theory results and exact computer simulations is obtained. We showed that some versions of the integral equation theory completely fail to predict structure of such system at some state points so caution has to be taken when applying them but in comparison with results for pure component results are better. We also checked how position of critical point changes with content of non-polar particles.
Databáze: OpenAIRE