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V podjetju, ki izdeluje kolesa, se ukvarjajo z zagotavljanjem varnosti svojega izdelka za uporabnika. Kolo je sestavljeno iz komponent, ki so testirane po ISO standardih, ki pokrivajo področje kolesarstva. Ti nam zagotavljajo samo minimalno varnost uporabnika. Ena izmed ključnih komponent kolesa so vilice. V magistrski nalogi so predstavljeni ISO standardi, ki pokrivajo področje kolesarstva. Po zahtevah ISO standarda in uporabnika smo izdelali preizkuševališče za testiranje kolesarskih vilic. Določili smo tudi potek testiranja in izvedli testiranje na izdelanem preizkuševališču. S pomočjo slikovnega sistema smo analizirali gibanje vilice med preizkusom. The company that manufactures bicycles is engaged in ensuring the safety of its product for the user. The bicycle consists of components tested according to ISO standards covering the field of cycling. ISO standards provide us with only minimal security for the user. One of the key components of the bicycle is a fork. In the master's thesis, ISO standards are presented that cover the field of cycling. In accordance with the requirements of the ISO standard and the user, we have developed a test station for bicycle forks. We also determined the course of testing and carried out tests on designed test station. Using the image measuring system, we analyzed the motion of the fork during the test. |