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Diplomsko delo obravnava ženske v hip-hop kulturi, ki se ukvarjajo z rapom. Raperke so po zapisih številnih avtorjev in avtoric vpete v kulturo že od samih zametkov, vseeno pa je njihovo število statistično manjše v primerjavi z moškimi. Hip-hop kulturi je velikokrat očitana nota seksizma, mizoginije in ciklična reprodukcija stereotipov, to pa naj bi bilo krivo za opredeljevanje raperk kot sekundarnih moškim. V nalogi po raziskovalnem okvirju Whipple in Coleman (2021) analiziram medijske obravnave raperk, s čimer dokazujem, da mediji vplivajo na neenako obravnavo izvajalcev glede na spol. Analizo tvori 12 prispevkov o štirih izvajalkah, kjer sem identificirala prevladujoče teme in vprašanja ter semantične dimenzije. Ugotovila sem, da obstajajo šibke implikacije spolno determinirane obravnave raperk, pri čemer izpostavljam pomen širših in bolj poglobljenih raziskav področja. The thesis examines women in hip-hop culture who engage in rap. According to the records of many authors, female rappers are embedded in the culture from its very beginning, but their number is statistically smaller compared to men. Hip-hop culture is often accused of sexism, misogyny and the cyclical reproduction of stereotypes, and this is said to be responsible for defining female rappers as secondary to men. In the assignment, based on the research framework of Whipple and Coleman (2021), I analyze the media treatment of female rappers, proving that the media affects the unequal treatment of performers based on gender. The analysis consists of 12 texts about four female performers, where I identified dominant themes, questions and semantic dimensions. I found that there are weak implications of the gendered treatment of female rappers, highlighting the importance of broader and more in-depth research in the field. |