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Razvoj jezika in govora je pokazatelj otrokovega razvoja. Otroci se razvijajo različno hitro. Razvojne lestvice nam povedo, kdaj večina otrok doseže govorno-jezikovne mejnike v maternem jeziku. Otrok naj bi mejnike za določeno starostno obdobje dosegel, ko že prehaja v naslednje starostno obdobje (Asha, b. d.). V kontekstu razvojnih lestvic govora in jezika uporabljamo receptivni in ekspresivni jezik. V logopediji se za ocenjevanje govora in jezika uporabljajo kombinacije različnih pristopov, ki združujejo analizo spontanega govora, rabo standardiziranih lestvic in ocene staršev in/ali vzgojiteljice otroka. V ocenjevanju govora in jezika pa se uporabljajo tudi presejalni testi, ki so oblikovani za pridobivanje hitre ocene govorno-jezikovnega razvoja večjega števila otrok in se zato še posebej uporabljajo v predšolskem obdobju. Pri izbiri ustreznega presejalnega testa moramo upoštevati različne variable, kot so področja jezika, ki so v testu, in čas, ki je potreben za evalvacijo rezultatov testa. Presejalni test mora zajemati naloge receptivnega in ekspresivnega jezika ter biti časovno ekonomičen, zato navadno traja od 5 do 10 minut. V Sloveniji se logopedija še razvija, zato je nabor diagnostičnih pripomočkov, med katere štejemo tudi presejalne teste, neznaten. V magistrskem delu je predstavljen presejalni test Teddy Talk. Na vzorcu šestnajstih otrok, starih med 4,0 in 5,0 let, sem ugotavljala, ali test zagotavlja reprezentativne podatke otrokovega govorno-jezikovnega razvoja. Za namen magistrskega dela sem oblikovala vprašalnik za starše, s katerim sem pridobila podatke o izobrazbi staršev, maternem jeziku staršev, spolu otroka in jeziku, ki ga starši govorijo s svojim otrokom, ter iskala vzporednice otrokovega rezultata na presejalnem testu v odgovorih staršev na vprašalnik. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali lahko tujejezične teste z malo spremembami priredimo za slovensko govoreče okolje in tako razširiti nabor diagnostičnih pripomočkov v slovenski logopediji. Language and speech development is an indicator of a child's development (Grilc, 2014). Children develop very quickly, and developmental scales indicate when most children reach speech and language milestones in their mother tongue. In addition, the child is expected to have reached milestones for a specific age group as he or she progresses into the next age group (Asha, b. d.). Receptive and expressive language is used in the context of speech and language developmental scales. In speech therapy, a combination of different approaches is used to assess speech and language, combining the analysis of spontaneous speech, the use of standardized scales and the assessment of parents and/or educators of children. In the assessment of speech and language screening, tests are also used, which are designed to obtain a quick assessment of many children's speech and language development and are therefore especially used in preschool. When choosing the appropriate screening test, we need to consider different variables, such as the language areas that are in the test and the time required to evaluate the test results. The screening test should cover receptive and expressive language tasks and be time-efficient, so it usually takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Speech therapy is still being developed in Slovenia, so the range of diagnostic aids, including screening tests, is inadequate. In my master's thesis, I presented the Teddy Talk screening test. On a sample of sixteen children between the ages of four and five years, I determined whether the test provides representative data on a child's speech and language development. For the purpose of my master's thesis, I designed a questionnaire for parents, which provided information on parents' education, parents' mother tongue, gender of the child and the language that parents speak with their child. Furthermore, I looked for parallels of the child's score on the screening test. This master's thesis aimed to determine whether a foreign language test can be adapted to the Slovene-speaking environment with little change and thus expand the range of diagnostic aids in Slovene speech therapy. |