Model of Literary Instruction through Narrative Identity

Autor: Grandits, Peter
Přispěvatelé: Krek, Janez
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: This thesis introduces the NDR-model of literature education that is intended to enhance nar-rative engagement and identity learning. The NDR-model stimulates learners to experientially engage in narration, dialogue, and text response. During the practices of writing/reading the life story (narration) and of reading/writing the literary story (response), the self as narrative transacts with the text as narrative. Reading/writing the literary story and writing/reading the life story are instances of the poietic play on the principle which results from the interaction of the productive and the creative imagination. During the act of reading, the NDR-model facili-tates the mediation between the world of the text and the world of the reader, which has been conceptualized as the learner’s narrative identity, by encouraging the learners to intertextually link the literary texts with their life stories. These personally relevant connections are found to be the condition of possibility of accommodative and transformative identity learning. A mixed-methods quasi-experimental study explored the effects of the NDR-model on upper secondary grammar school students’ reading orientations, attentional mode, modes of reading engagement, and reading outcome. In the quantitative study, statistically significant increases in literary response scores (insight orientation, attentional shifting, experiential and analytic engagement, self-insight) were detected in the experimental group. In addition, participants’ self-reported scores differed significantly between the experimental and control groups, which again indicates that the NDR-model increased the students’ attentional shifting, fostered their narrative engagement and triggered self-insight, whereas regular literature education did not. The qualitative analysis of interview, observation, and artefact data suggested that the NDR-students’ learning practices of narration (writing/reading the life story), response (read-ing/writing the literary story), and dialogue were promoted. Additionally, participants experi-enced insight into the self and insight into the other because they were stimulated to engage with literary texts in the context of their personal identities. Doktorsko delo v izobraževanje književnosti vpeljuje model NDO (naracija, dialog, odzivanje), ki naj bi okrepil narativno zavzetost in spoznavanje identitete. Model NDO spodbuja dijake k izkustvenemu vključevanju v naracijo, dialog in odzivanje na besedilo. Med praksama pisanja/branja življenjske zgodbe (pripovedovanje) in branja/pisanja literarne zgodbe (odziv) se jaz kot narativni sporazumeva z besedilom kot narativnim. Branje/pisanje literarne zgodbe in pisanje/branje življenjske zgodbe sta primera poetične igre po načelu, ki je posledica interakcije produktivne in ustvarjalne imaginacije. Med dejanjem branja model NDO omogoča posredovanje med svetom besedila in svetom bralca, ki je bil konceptualiziran kot dijakova narativna identiteta, tako da spodbuja dijake k intertekstualnemu povezovanju literarnih besedil z lastnimi življenjskimi zgodbami. Ugotovljeno je, da so te osebno relevantne povezave pogoj za možnost akomodativnega in transformativnega spoznavanja identitete. Z mešano kvantitativno-kvalitativno kvazi-eksperimentalno raziskavo smo raziskovali učinke modela NDO na bralne usmeritve, način pozornosti, načine bralne zavzetosti in bralne rezultate dijakov višjih letnikov gimnazije. V kvantitativni študiji je bilo v eksperimentalni skupini ugotovljeno statistično pomembno povečanje rezultatov literarnega odziva (usmerjenost k vpogledu, premik pozornosti, doživljajska in analitična zavzetost, uvid v samega sebe). Poleg tega so se samoocene udeležencev med eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino pomembno razlikovale, kar ponovno kaže na to, da je model NDO pri dijakih povečal preusmerjanje pozornosti, spodbudil njihovo narativno zavzetost in sprožil samoopazovanje, medtem ko pri običajnem izobraževanju književnosti ni. Kvalitativna analiza podatkov na osnovi intervjujev, opazovanja in artefaktov je pokazala, da so bile pri dijakih, ki so se učili na osnovi medela NDO, spodbujene učne prakse naracije (pisanje/branje življenjske zgodbe), odzivanja (branje/pisanje literarne zgodbe) in dialoga. Poleg tega so udeleženci doživeli vpogled vase in vpogled v drugega, saj so bili spodbujeni k sodelovanju z literarnimi besedili v kontekstu svojih osebnih identitet.
Databáze: OpenAIRE