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Namen magistrskega dela je bilo oblikovati in konstruirati multifunkcionalno otroško pohištvo v sodelovanju s podjetjem Satler d.o.o. Naredili smo pregled otroškega pohištva slovenskih proizvajalcev. Idejna zasnova otroškega pohištva je bila narejena po načelih ergonomije in antropometrije z upoštevanjem materialov za otroško pohištvo in standardov, ki urejajo to področje. Izvedli smo anketo, kjer nas je zanimalo mnenje staršev o otroškem pohištvu in njihove želje in potrebe pri izbiri otroškega pohištva. Na podlagi ankete smo prišli do zaključkov, da si kupci v prvi vrsti želijo varno, kakovostno in funkcionalno pohištvo, zanima jih zdravo bivalno okolje in odražajo potrebo po večjem trgu s pohištvom, ki raste z otrokom. Zasnovali smo dve različni konstrukcijski izvedbi otroške mizice in stolčka, ki imata možnost, da »rasteta« z otrokom, s prilagajanjem višine sedeža stola in višine mizne ploskve eno s kovinskim okovjem in drugo v celoti brez njega. Izdelek smo modelirali in izdelali delavniške risbe s pomočjo programskega paketa SolidWorks. The purpose of the master's thesis is to design and construct multifunctional children's furniture in cooperation with the company Satler d.o.o. We made an overview of children's furniture from Slovenian manufacturers and conducted a survey where we were interested in parents' opinions about children's furniture, and their wishes and needs when choosing such furniture. Based on the survey, we came to the conclusion that buyers primarily want safe, high-quality and functional furniture. They are interested in a healthy living environment and as well as in furniture that grows with the child. We have designed two different pairs of designs of a children’s table and chair. Both have the ability to “grow” with the child, by adjusting the height of the seat of the chair and the height of the tabletop. One pair was made with metal fittings and the other without. The conceptual design, modelling and completion of the workshop drawings of the children's furniture are carried out in the SolidWorks program, according to the principles of ergonomics and anthropometry, using materials for children's furniture and standards governing the field. |