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Domačija Oficirjevo se nahaja v naselju Šibenik občine Šentjur. Sestavlja jo šest stavb, katerih najstarejši del naj bi predstavljala hiša in hlev. Za potrditev domnevne starosti objektov smo opravili dendrokronološko analizo ter preiskavo nekaterih pisnih virov. Raziskovanje pisnih virov je zajemalo obsežen pregled zapisnika duš (status animarum), zemljiške knjige, jožefinskega ter franciscejskega katastra. Do virov smo dostopali preko različnih ustanov, nekaj virov smo pridobili preko spleta. Preiskovanja smo se lotili sistematično, od najmlajših podatkov proti starejšim, iskali pa smo predvsem povezave z enakimi imeni ter priimki, pomagala nam je hišna številka ter označbe parcel. Pri dendrokronološki analizi smo najprej identificirali odvzete vzorce, jim izmerili širine branik in na podlagi tega poskusili sestaviti kronologije objektov in jih datirati. Najbolj uspešni smo bili s hrastovimi vzorci, kjer smo izvedli datacijo s pomočjo referenčne kronologije hrasta Dolenjske regije. Jelše in kostanja nam zaradi neprimernih vzorcev ter pomanjkanja referenčnih kronologij ni uspelo datirati. Največ smo imeli smrekovih vzorcev, vendar zaradi še ne razvite referenčne kronologije smreke za to regionalno območje datiranje ni popolnoma uspešno. Skoraj vse datirane vzorce smo uvrstili v začetek 20. stoletja, razen enega, katerega zadnja branika je kazala na letnico 1834. Na podlagi obeh metod - franciscejskega katastra, zemljiške knjige ter hrastovega vzorca z letnico 1834 - lahko rečemo, da je domačija Oficirjevo obstajala že v začetku 19. stoletja. The homestead Oficirjevo is located in the municipality of Šentjur. It consists of six buildings, the oldest part of which is thought to be a house and a stable. Through a dendrochronological analysis and an examination of some written sources, we wanted to see if this hypothesis was correct. The written sources included status animarum, land registers, the Josephinian and Franciscan Land Surveys. A few of those sources were obtained through various institutions, others were accessed online. We started systematically, looking mainly for links with the same first and last names, house numbers and plot numbers. Dendrochronological analysis consisted of identifying the samples, then measuring the width of the annual tree-rings, and with that we tried to construct chronologies. We were most successful with oak samples but were unable to obtain chronologies for the alder and chestnut trees due to inappropriate samples and lack of reference chronologies. The majority of samples were spruce, of which most could not be dated given the same reason. Almost all dated samples were placed at the beginning of the 20th century, except for one, whose last annual tree-ring dated in the year 1834. Based on both methods - the Franciscan cadastre, the land register and the oak sample dated in 1834 - it can be said that the homestead already existed at the beginning of the 19th century. |