Bio-plemenitenje bombaža in lanus hitozanom in ekstraktom cvetov zlate rozge za razvoj barvitih zaščitnih tekstilij

Autor: Šmid, Sebastijan
Přispěvatelé: Gorjanc, Marija
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Zlata rozga (Solidago) je trajnica, ki izvira iz Severne Amerike in je bila v 19. stoletju vnesena v Evropo kot okrasna rastlina ter danes velja za invaziven plevel v Evropi, Aziji, Avstraliji in Novi Zelandiji. Zatiranje širjenja invazivnih rastlin se običajno izvaja z mehanskim odstranjevanjem iz okolja in sežigom. Z namenom koristne uporabe odpadne rastline je bila zlata rozga v diplomskem delu proučevana kot vir fitokemikalij za eko-plemenitenje tekstilij. V eksperimentalnem delu diplomskega dela so bila za barvanje bombažne in lanene tkanine uporabljena socvetja orjaške zlate rozge (S. gigantea). Izbrani sta bili dve temperaturi barvanja (sobna temperatura in 95 °C), tkanine pa so bile predhodno obdelane s hitozanom. Analiza zeta potenciala je pokazala povečano izoelektrično točko in amfoterni značaj tekstila po predhodni obdelavi s hitozanom. Barvne koordinate (CIELAB) in globina obarvanja (K/S) se spremenijo s predobdelavo s hitozanom in višjo temperaturo barvanja. Vzorci postanejo temnejši in bolj rumeni, globina obarvanja pa se poveča. V skladu s tem se je povečala tudi antioksidativna aktivnost (66,33 %) in zaščita pred UV sevanjem (50+). Goldenrod (Solidago) is a perennial plant native to North America that was introduced to Europe as an ornamental plant in the 19th century and is now considered as an invasive weed in Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Control of the spread of invasive plants is usually carried out by mechanical removal from the environment and burning. To make beneficial use of the waste plant, goldenrod was studied in this thesis as a source of phytochemicals for the eco-weeding of textiles. In the experimental part of the thesis, inflorescences of the giant goldenrod (S. gigantea) were used to dye cotton and linen fabrics. Two dyeing temperatures (room temperature and 95 °C) were chosen, and the fabrics were pre-treated with chitosan. Zeta potential analysis showed an increased isoelectric point and an amphoteric character of the textiles after pre-treatment with chitosan. The colour coordinates (CIELAB) and the colour strength (K/S) change with chitosan pre-treatment and higher dyeing temperatures. The samples become darker and more yellow, and the colour strength increases. Accordingly, the antioxidant activity (66,33 %) and UV protection (50+) are also increased.
Databáze: OpenAIRE