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Diplomsko delo obravnava vrstne pridevnike, tvorjene iz slovenskih imen neodvisnih držav. Med obravnavanimi tvorjenkami ločimo tri tipe: navadne izpeljanke (a1), ki so v zbranem gradivu najpogosteje zastopane, medponsko-priponske zloženke (a3) in priredne zloženke (č). Znotraj posameznih tipov tvorjenke družimo glede na posebnosti besedotvorne podstave in obrazil, pri katerih številčno najbolj izstopajo priponska obrazila pri tvorjenkah tipa (a1). Pogosto se v gradivu pojavljajo dvojnice, pri katerih pregled korpusnih podatkov kaže, da raba in pravopisna norma nista enotni. The thesis discusses all the collected descriptive adjectives, formed from Slovenian names of the independent countries. Amongst the considered derivatives, we distinguish three types: the most common ordinary derivatives by suffixation (a1), interfixal-suffixal compounds (a3) and coordinative compounds (č). Within particular types, we join compounds together by word base and formant features, in which suffixal formants of (a1) compounds type stand out numerically. Double adjectives often occur in the following material, but differ in usage and linguistic norm, which is proved by examining corpus data. |