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Območje Perble strukturno pripada Tolminskemu pokrovu, ki je najnižja strukturna podenota Južnih Alp v Sloveniji. Kamnine pripadajo Slovenskemu bazenu. Profil Perbla-Tancar obsega del Krikovske, Perblansko in del Spodnje flišoidne formacije. Spodnja flišoidna formacija v profilu Perbla-Tancar se začne z erozijsko diskordanco na Perblanski formaciji. V spodnjem delu je sestavljena iz bazalne blokovne breče z laporastim vezivom. V zgornjem delu je sestavljena iz menjavanja plastnatega apnenca z roženci in laporja. Na podlagi zbruskiov sem opisal sestavo Krikovske formacije in Spodnje flišoidne formacije. V Krikovski formaciji sem določil tri standardne mikrofaciese: SMF 1, SMF 3 in SMF 12-S. V Spodnji flišoidni formaciji sem določil dva standardna mikrofaciesa: SMF 3 in SMF 4. Določil sem tudi sestavo in mikrofaciese na podlagi zbruskov iz profila Perbla 3, ki ga je v svoji disertaciji posnel somentor. V Spodnji flišoidni formaciji sem določil standardni mikrofacies: SMF 4. Profil Perbla-Tancar odraža sedimentacijo v globokomorskem okolju ali bazenu. Krikovska in Perblanska formacija sta bili odloženi na bazenski ravnici. Bazalna blokovna breča Spodnje flišoidne formacije predstavlja sediment obsežnega drobirskega toka. Formacija navzgor preide v zaporedje, ki ga označuje lapornata pelagična sedimentacija, občasno prekinjena s kalciturbiditi. Zrna, ki so jih prinašali gravitacijski tokovi, pripadajo starejšim kamninam (različni litoklasti) ali izvirajo iz bližnje plitve platforme (foraminifere družine Orbitolinidae in ostali bentoški organizmi). The Perbla area structurally belongs to the Tolmin Nappe, which is the lowermost structural subunit of the Southern Alps in the Slovenia. The studied succession belongs to the Slovenian Basin. The Perbla-Tancar section consists of the Krikov, Perbla and Lower Flyschoid Formations. The Lower Flyschoid Formation in the Perbla-Tancar section begins with blocky basal breccia with marly matrix, overlying the unconformity surface on the Perbla Formation. In the upper part, the formation consists of alternating bedded limestone with cherts and marlstone. Krikov and Lower Flyschoid Formations were investigated in thin sections. In the Krikov Formation, three standard microfacies types were determined: SMF 1, SMF 3 and SMF 12-S. In the Lower Flyschoid Formation, two standard microfacies types have been defined: SMF 3 and SMF 4. I also described and defined microfacies in Perbla 3 section, which was logged by co-menthor in his PhD thesis. In the Lower Flyschoid Formation I have defined standard microfacies SMF 4. The formations of the Perbla-Tancar section reflects deposition in a deep-sea environment. The Jurassic Krikov and Perbla Formations were deposited on the basin plain. The basal breccia of the Cretaceous Lower Flyschoid Formation was deposited via large debris flow. The upper part of the latter formation denotes marlstone pelagic sedimentation interrupted by frequent calciturbidites. Lithoclasts, which were carried by gravity flows, originate from erosion of older rocks, while other grains derive from the cotemporary nearby shallow platform (foraminifers of the Orbitolidae family and other benthic organisms). |