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Uvod: Omrzlina je poškodba tkiva, ki nastane zaradi zunanje temperature, ki je nižja od 0 C. Ker so omrzline poznane kot hude poškodbe tkiva, smo se odločili, da preverimo, kakšno znanje imajo o omrzlinah gorniki v Sloveniji, ki so tovrstnim poškodbam bolj izpostavljeni. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opozoriti na pomen znanja prve pomoči pri omrzlinah med gorniki in preveriti njihovo znanje o omrzlinah. Metode dela: Priprava diplomskega dela je temeljila na deskriptivno-empirični metodi, z uporabo kritičnega pregleda literature v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. S pregledom literature in s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika smo pridobili podatke o znanju gornikov o omrzlinah, preventivi in prvi pomoči na območju celotne Slovenije. Rezultati: Na anketni vprašalnik je odgovorilo 558 gornikov, od tega je bilo 353 moških (63 %) in 205 žensk (37 %). Povprečna starost je bila 35 let. Gorniki so se odločili, da je zelo veliko tveganje za nastanek omrzlin na prstih (96 %), nato sledi nos (87 %) in ušesa (80 %). Razprava in sklep: Naše ocenjevanje znanja je pokazalo, da je zaželeno izobraževanje na tem področju, saj lahko le s pravilno in hitro prvo pomočjo preprečimo najhujše posledice omrzlin. Introduction: Frostbite is a damage of tissues and is caused by a temperature lower than 0 C. We decided to check how much the Slovenian mountaineers know about frostbite because they are the ones who are exposed to those kind of injuries the most. Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor's degree is to warn about the importance of first aid knowledge in the case of frostbite among mountaineers and to check their knowledge about frostbite. Methods: The preparation of my bachelor's degree was based on the descriptive-empirical method with the use of the critical overview of the relevant literature in the Slovene and English languages. We also used the questionaire to gain some data about the frostbite knowledge of mountaineers and first aid in Slovenia. Results: The questionaire was answered by 558 mountaineers, 353 men (63 %) and 205 women (37 %). The average age was 35 years (29 %). Mountaineers decided that there was a high risk of frostbite on the fingers (96 %), on the nose (87 %) and on the ears (78 %). Discussion and conclusion: We found out that additional education in this field is desired because only a correct and quick help can prevent the worst consequences of frostbite. |