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Diplomsko delo obravnava področje internetne varnosti. V nalogi opredelimo gradnike sistema, kot so ponudniki storitve, ponudnik identitete ter kako med seboj komunicirata. Cilj je namestiti tri različne ponudnike storitve (Wordpress, Moodle, Nextcloud) in jih povezati s ponudnikom identitete (Authentik). Za avtentikacijo bomo uporabili varnostni protokol SAML(Security Assertion Markup Language). V ponudniku identitete ustvarimo uporabnika in ga uporabimo za avtentikacijo pri ponudnikih storitev. Uspelo se nam je avtenticirati pri vseh ponudnikih storitev z uporabo protokola SAML. The thesis deals with the field of internet security. In the thesis we define the building blocks of the system, such as service providers, identity providers and how they communicate with each other. The goal is to install three different service providers (Wordpress, Moodle, Nextcloud) and connect them to an identity provider (Authentik). We have used SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) security protocol for authentication. We create a user in the identity provider and use it for authentication with the provider's services. We were able to authenticate with all service providers using the SAML protocol. |