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Kampilobakterioza je ena najbolj razširjenih črevesnih bolezni, ki jo povzročajo patogene bakterije Campylobacter jejuni. Glavni vir humanih infekcij z bakterijami C. jejuni je perutnina. Bakterije C. jejuni so prisotne v prebavilih piščancev, kar posledično povzroči kontaminacijo trupa v klavnici in predstavlja vir okužbe pri navzkrižnih kontaminacijah hrane. Incidenca sevov Campylobacter odpornih proti antibiotikom se širi, zato postaja vse večja potreba po razvoju alternativnega zdravljenja in preprečevanja okužb. Številne raziskave se osredotočajo na zmanjšanje kolonizacije z bakterijami Campylobacter pri piščancih, kar bi posledično privedlo do zmanjšanja humanih infekcij. Ena od strategij zdravljenja je tudi uporaba probiotikov. Bakterije rodu Bacillus so znane kot učinkoviti antagonisti proti različnim patogenom, ki se prenašajo s hrano. Probiotično delovanje bakterij B. subtilis je posledica sinteze sekundarnih metabolitov, ki delujejo protimikrobno. Namen našega dela je bil okarakterizirati interakcijo bakterij C. jejuni NCTC11168 in različnih sevov B. subtilis na rast in stresni odziv bakterij C. jejuni. V naši raziskavi smo v ta namen proučili delovanje izrabljenih gojišč različnih sevov bakterij B. subtilis na rast bakterij C. jejuni NCTC11168 in kasneje interakcijo obeh bakterij na modelnem sistemu, to je piščančjem mesu. Ugotovili smo, da izrabljena gojišča bakterij B. subtilis zavirajo rast bakterij C. jejuni. Prav tako smo s ko-inokulacijo obeh bakterij na piščančje meso ugotovili, da se preživelost bakterij C. jejuni v prisotnosti bakterij B. subtilis sevov PS 196, PS 216 in mešanice obeh sevov (PS MIX), zmanjša. S tem smo potrdili, da bakterije B. subtilis delujejo inhibitorno na bakterije C. jejuni. Campylobacteriosis is one of the most common intestinal disease caused by pathogenic bacteria Campylobacter jejuni. The main source of human infections with bacteria C. jejuni is poultry. Bacteria C. jejuni are present in the digestive tracts of the chickens, resulting in contamination of the carcases in the slaughterhouse. As the incidence of Campylobacter antibiotic-resistant strains increases, there is an increasing need for the development of alternative treatment and prevention of infections. Numerous studies focus on reducing colonization with Campylobacter bacteria in chickens, which in turn will lead to a reduction in human infections. One of the treatment strategies is the use of probiotics. Bacteria of the genus Bacillus are known as effective antagonists against various pathogens that are transmitted by food. The probiotic action of bacteria B. subtilis is the result of the synthesis of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity. The purpose of our study was to characterize the interaction of C. jejuni NCTC11168 and various B. subtilis strains on the growth and stress response of C. jejuni. For this purpose, the effect of cell-free supernatant of various B. subtilis strains on the growth of bacteria C. jejuni NCTC11168 was studied. The interaction of both bacteria was also examined on the model system, i.e., chicken meat. We have found that the cell-free supernatant of some strains of bacteria B. subtilis inhibits the growth of C. jejuni bacteria. Co-inoculation of both bacteria on chicken meat, showed the decrease in the number of bacteria C. jejuni in the presence of B. subtilis strains PS 196, PS 216 and their mixtures (PS MIX). This confirmed inhibitory effect of B. subtilis on C. jejuni bacteria. |