Krepitev čustvenih in socialnih veščin pri pouku likovne vzgoje za učence z motnjo v duševnem razvoju

Autor: Blimen Majcen, Andreja
Přispěvatelé: Potočnik, Robert
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Povzetek: Proces pridobivanja in učinkovito uporabljenega znanja, stališč in veščin skozi socialno in čustveno učenje so pomembni pri prepoznavanju in obvladovanju čustev. V magistrskem delu nas je zanimalo, kako usmerjene likovne dejavnosti pripomorejo h krepitvi socialnih in čustvenih veščin, ob usvajanju učnih ciljev aktualnega učnega načrta za likovno vzgojo, v skupini učencev z motnjami v duševnem razvoju. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 5 učencev posebnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja 4. in 5. stopnje, moškega spola, od 14 do 21 let in njihova učiteljica likovne vzgoje, v obdobju treh mesecev. Z metodo polstrukturiranih intervjujev ter dnevnikov srečanj smo spremljali dejavnosti in krepitve socialnih in čustvenih veščin učencev pri pouka likovne vzgoje ter učiteljičine refleksije in opažanja občutij, želj in krepitve čustvenih in socialnih veščin znotraj delovnega (pedagoškega) in osebnega okolja. Vizualni dnevnik je bil namenjen refleksiji in samorefleksiji učitelja ter evalvaciji procesa krepitve socialnih in čustvenih veščin. Raziskava je pokazala, da učenci ob vodenju skozi dejavnosti, postavljanju dodatnih vprašanj in usmerjanju, večinoma prepoznajo temeljne posebnosti v povezavi z dejavnostmi znotraj vsebin krepitve čustvenih in socialnih veščin, in se ob pomoči odrasle osebe tudi smiselno odzovejo. V aktivnostih je mogoče prepoznati določene krepitve omenjenih veščin, za katere pa ne moremo v celoti trditi, da so jih ponotranjili. Učiteljica likovne umetnosti je skozi likovno ustvarjalni proces in usmerjene likovne aktivnosti, ozaveščala in pridobivala veščine, katere ji pripomorejo k boljšemu razumevanje sebe in drugih. Obenem pa je skozi likovne aktivnosti spoznavala možnosti za vnašanje določenih vsebin v likovni proces pri pouku likovne vzgoje, ki so v pomoč za krepitev čustvenih in socialnih veščin učencev. Raziskava je potrdila pomembnost, da učitelj v praksi obnavlja že pridobljena znanja in veščine ter se udeležuje dodatnega izobraževanja, supervizije in skrbi za svojo psihofizično aktivnost, npr. v obliki športne aktivnosti. The process of acquiring and effectively applying knowledge, attitudes and skills through social and emotional learning is important in recognizing and managing emotions. In the Master’s thesis, we were interested in how directed art activities help strengthen social and emotional skills, while acquiring the learning goals of the current curriculum for art education in a group of students with intellectual disabilities. Over a period of three months, five male students, aged 14 to 21, attending the 4th and 5th level of special education program and their art teacher were included in the research. Using the method of semi-structured interviews and meeting diaries, we monitored the activities and development of the social and emotional skills of the students in art education classes, as well as the teacher’s reflection and observation of feelings, desires and the strengthening of emotional and social skills within the working (pedagogical) and personal environment. The visual diary was intended for the reflection and self-reflection of the teacher and the evaluation of the process of strengthening social and emotional skills. The research showed that when students are guided through the activities and asked additional questions, they mostly recognize the fundamental characteristics regarding the activities within the content of strengthening emotional and social skills, to which they respond meaningfully with the help of an adult. The activities hold a potential for strengthening social and emotional skills, however, we cannot claim that the students have internalized them. Through the creative process and guiding the activities, the art teacher gained skills that benefit her in better understanding herself and others. Furthermore, the activities offered her an insight into implementing certain contents into the art education classes that support students’ social and emotional development. The research confirmed the significance of teacher refreshing their previously acquired knowledge and skills, along with professional development, supervision and taking care of their psychophysical activity, for example in the form of sports activities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE