Zaviralno delovanje izbranih eteričnih olj na rast glive Candida albicans

Autor: Baruca, Anamarija
Přispěvatelé: Štrukelj, Borut
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Klinične okužbe z glivo Candida albicans predstavljajo velik zdravstveni problem, saj gre za patogen, ki po celem svetu povzroča visoko in naraščajočo obolevnost ter umrljivost. Ker se tudi odpornost glivičnih okužb na razpoložljiva protiglivna zdravila povečuje, je smiselno raziskovanje novih potencialnih zdravilnih učinkovin. Alternativo obstoječim zdravilom lahko predstavljajo eterična olja iz aromatičnih rastlin, ki imajo že vrsto let priznano dobro protimikrobno in protiglivno delovanje širokega spektra. Namen tega dela je bilo preveriti zaviralno učinkovitost 35 eteričnih olj (EO) in njihovih sestavin na glivo Candida albicans, za katere protiglivno delovanje še ni dobro poznano, in rezultate primerjati s protiglivno učinkovitostjo petih EO, za katere je bila po do sedaj objavljenih podatkih le-ta visoka. Zaviralno učinkovitost eteričnih olj smo ugotavljali z različnimi metodami: difuzijsko, dilucijsko in fluorescenčno. Ker je eterično olje melise (Melissa officinalis) na podlagi rezultatov teh metod izkazalo najboljše zaviralno delovanje, smo v nadaljevanju sestavo EO melise analizirali z metodo GC-MS in na ta način identificirali ter kvantificirali spojine, prisotne v eteričnem olju. Sestavo EO melise smo primerjali s sestavo EO origana (Origanum vulgare), ki po do sedaj dostopni literaturi velja za najbolj učinkovito protiglivno EO. Ker nas je zanimal sinergizem med spojinami v izbranem eteričnem olju, ki je izkazal najboljše zaviralno delovanje na glivo Candida albicans, smo identificiranim spojinam, katerih koncentracija v EO je znašala več kot 1 % (anetol, 6-metil-5-hepten, beta-kariofilen, geranial, neral, citronelal, kariofilen oksid ter citronelol) ugotavljali zaviralno delovanje posamezne spojine s fluorescenčno metodo. Ugotovili smo, da sta k dobri protiglivni učinkovitosti EO melise največ doprinesli spojini citronelol in citral, ki je zmes dveh izomernih spojin: nerala in geraniala. Rezultati naših raziskav so potrdili, da so eterična olja iz aromatičnih rastlin lahko dobra alternativa obstoječim protimikrobnim zdravilom in da bi bilo smiselno EO melise nadalje raziskovati kot naravno sredstvo za obvladovanje okužb z glivo Candida albicans. Clinical infections with the Candida albicans represent a significant health problem as it is a pathogen causing high and increasing morbidity and mortality worldwide. As the resistance of fungal infections to available antifungal drugs is also increasing, it is worthwhile to research new potential therapeutic compounds. Essential oils derived from aromatic plants, which have been recognized for their broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antifungal properties for many years, can serve as an alternative to existing drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate the inhibitory efficacy of 35 essential oils (EOs) and their components on Candida albicans, for which the antifungal activity is yet not well-known, and compare the results with the antifungal effectiveness of five essential oils, known to be highly effective based on previously published data. The inhibitory efficacy of the essential oils was evaluated using different methods: diffusion, dilution and fluorescence. Based on the results obtained from these methods, the essential oil of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) exhibited the most potent fungistatic activity. Consequently, the composition of lemon balm EO was analyzed using GC-MS method to identify and quantify the compounds present in the essential oil. The composition of lemon balm EO was compared to the composition of oregano EO (Origanum vulgare), which is considered the most effective fungicide according to the available literature. To investigate the synergy among the compounds present in the selected essential oil that demonstrated the highest inhibitory activity against Candida albicans, we evaluated the inhibitory effects of individual compounds, whose concentration in the EO exceeded 1 % (anethole, 6-methyl-5-heptene, beta-caryophyllene, geranial, neral, citronellal, caryophyllene oxide and citronellol) using the fluorescence method. It was found that the compounds citronellol and citral, which is a mixture of two isomeric compounds geranial and neral, contributed the most to the excellent antifungal efficacy of lemon balm EO. The results of our research confirm that essential oils from aromatic plants can be a good alternative to existing antimicrobial drugs and that it would be reasonable to further investigate lemon balm EO as a natural means of controlling Candida albicans infections.
Databáze: OpenAIRE