Vloga igre in igrač v javnem in waldorfskem vrtcu

Autor: Zaman, Ana
Přispěvatelé: Berčnik, Sanja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti razlike in podobnosti vloge igre in igrač v javnem ter waldorfskem vrtcu. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu v poglavju predšolske vzgoje v vrtcih sem opisala javni in waldorfski vrtec, opredelila Kurikulum za vrtce, področja dejavnosti in vlogo vzgojitelja. Predstavila sem waldorfsko pedagogiko in vlogo vzgojitelja. Osrednji del diplomskega dela predstavlja opredelitev otroške igre in igrač s poudarkom na razlikah med javim in waldorfskim vrtcem. V empiričnem delu sem uporabila kvalitativno metodo, s katero sem želela ugotoviti mnenje vzgojiteljev javnega in waldorfskega vrtca o vlogi igre in igrač v javnem ter waldorfskem vrtcu in ugotoviti podobnosti ter razlike med igro in igračami v javnem in waldorfskem vrtcu. Raziskava je pokazala, da obstajajo razlike in podobnosti v vlogi igre in igrač, pri čemer so podobnosti vidne zlasti pri vlogi igre v vrtcu, razlike pa pri igračah in njihovi vlogi. The purpose of this thesis is to find differences and similarities of the role of play and toys, in both the Public and Waldorf kindergarten. My diploma consists of two parts – theoretic and empiric. In the theoretical part of the chapter on early childhood and preschool education and care, I have described in detail the Public and Waldorf kindergarten. I have also defined the Curriculum for kindergartens, the sphere of activity and the role of the educator. I have introduced the Waldorf pedagogics and waldorf educator. The central part of the thesis is a definition of children's play, games and toys, with emphasis on the differences between Public and Waldorf preschool care, nursery and gindergartens in general. In the empiric part, I have used a qualitative method, through which I was to ascertain the opinion of the educators in the Public and Waldorf preschool care on the role of children’s play, games and toys, in both types of kindergartens. This way I wanted to find out what the main differences and similarities between the Public and Waldorf kindergartens are. Research has shown there in fact are differences and similarities in the role of children’s play, games and toys in both types of kindergartens, whereas the similarities are particularly evident in the role of games. The differences between toys and their role are also evident in both kindergartens.
Databáze: OpenAIRE