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Prispevek obravnava nekatere dileme obstoja, priznanja in razvoja romskega jezika v Evropi v luči prispevka Frana Miklošiča k spoznavanju romskega jezika in poti romskega jezika. Avtorica izhaja iz domneve, da je za razumevanje položaja in razvoja romskega jezika nujno poznavanje zgodovinskih okoliščin, ki niso bile naklonjene ohranjanju romskega jezika in kulture. Različne percepcije romske identitete vplivajo tudi na razlike med posameznimi pristopi k standardizaciji in kodifikaciji romskega jezika v sodobnem času. The paper deals with some of the problems associated with the existence, recognition and development of the Romany language in Europe in the light of the contribution of Fran Miklošič to the knowledge and routes of the Romany language. The author emphasises that the understanding of the current situation and development of Romany requires broader understanding of the historical circumstances that did not favour the maintenance of the Romany language and culture. It is assumed that different perceptions of the Roma ethnic identity have led to the major differences between the various approaches to standardisation and codification of Romany in modern times. |