Vpliv razmerja med drsenjem in kotaljenjem na koeficient trenja v mazanem kontaktu med polimerom in jeklom

Autor: Žumer, Andraž
Přispěvatelé: Polajnar, Marko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: V tem delu smo raziskovali vpliv razmerja med drsenjem in kotaljenjem (SRR) na koeficient trenja. Obravnavali smo mazan kontakt med polimerno kroglico in jeklenim diskom. Za testiranje smo uporabili napravo Mini Traction Machine, ki je omogočala nastavitev poljubnih SRR in celo spreminjanje SRR tekom testa. Tako smo ves čas testa ohranjali ostale pogoje v kontaktu nespremenjene. Meritve testov smo numerično obdelali in rezultate predstavili v obliki diagramov. Ti so pokazali, da se v večini obratovalnih pogojev koeficient trenja povečuje, če povečujemo |SRR|. Izjema so bili testi, izvedenih pri nižji obremenitvi in negativnih vrednostih SRR. Pri njih se je koeficient trenja pri povečevanju |SRR| zmanjševal. Kontakt med polimerom in jeklom je izkazoval nižji koeficient trenja pri višji obremenitvi v primerjavi s testi opravljenimi pri nižji obremenitvi. Na podlagi tega predvidevamo, da se na jekleni površini tvori več polimernega filma pri višji obremenitvi, kakor pri nižji. In this paper, the effect of slide-to-roll ratio (SRR) on coefficient of friction was investigated. Measurements were taken from a lubricated contact between a polymer ball and steel disc. The experiments were carried out on Mini Traction Machine, which allowed setting of any SRR and also managed to change SRR during tests. That way, all other parameters in the contact remained unchanged for full duration of tests. Raw data, measured in experiments was then numerically processed in order to present them in the form of graphs. Graphs showed that in most running conditions bigger |SRR| value resulted in higher coefficient of friction. However, there was one exception. When the contact was tested at lower load and at negative SRR values, growing of |SRR| reduced coefficient of friction. Additionally, the contact between polymer and steel showed lower coefficient of friction at higher load, compared to tests performed at lower load. These phenomena might indicate that there is increased formation of polymer transfer film on steel counterpart under higher load.
Databáze: OpenAIRE