Obtok hranil na živinorejski kmetiji na Dolenjskem

Autor: Marolt, Martina
Přispěvatelé: Lavrenčič, Andrej
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti bilanco hranil na vratih kmetije z izračuni, natančnimi evidencami, analizami in programom Hoftor Bilanz na kmetiji Marolt, kjer se ukvarjajo z intenzivno govedorejo. Pri zbiranju podatkov smo upoštevali vnos oz. iznos hranil na kmetijo in iz nje. Naša predpostavka je bila, da vnos in iznos hranil na kmetijskem gospodarstvu nista uravnotežena. To smo predpostavili zaradi različne intenzivnosti rabe kmetijskih zemljišč, ki so pod okriljem vzorčne kmetije. Predpostavili smo tudi, da glavni iznos s kmetije predstavlja prodaja mleka. Spremljanje vnosa in iznosa hranil je bistvenega pomena za tehnološke spremembe v smeri izboljšanja izkoristka hranil in s tem splošnega izboljšanja trajnosti kmetije. Analiza s pomočjo modelnega izračuna je pokazala, da so preučevana hranila na nivoju kmetije v dopustnem presežku. Vnos preko energijske in beljakovinske močne krme, rudninskih dodatkov in mineralnih gnojil je večji kot iznos s prodajo mleka, govedi in krme. Največji presežek opazimo pri dušiku (88 kg/ha). Stopnja izkoriščenosti dušika znaša samo 30 %. Delež dušika, ki ga prispevajo metuljnice, je zgolj 10 % N. Bilančna presežka P2O5 in K2O sta v primerjavi z N bolj uravnotežena 24 in 26 kg/ha Za ravnovesje bilance hranil na kmetiji je potrebno zmanjšanje oziroma večja racionalizacija uporabe mineralnih gnojil, predvsem tistih, ki vsebujejo kalij pri dušiku pa je potrebno proučiti možnosti zmanjšanja izgub od hleva do kmetijskih zemljišč ter po možnosti povečati delež prispevka N z metuljnicami. The purpose of the diploma work is to determine the nutrient balance on the doorstep using calculations, accurate records, analysis and the Hoftor Bilanz program on the farm Marolt, where they have intensive cattle breeding. In collecting data, we considered the input or removal of nutrients to and from the farm. We assumed that nutrient intake and removal were not balanced on the farm due to the varying intensity of use of the agricultural land under the aegis of the sample farm. We also assumed that the main output of the farm was milk sales. Monitoring of nutrient inputs and outputs is essential for technological changes to improve nutrient utilization and thus improve the overall sustainability of the farm. Analysis using a model calculation showed that the nutrients studied are in permissible surplus at the farm level. Intake through energy and protein rich feeds, mineral supplements and mineral fertilizers is higher than the output through sales of milk, livestock and feeds.The highest surplus is observed in nitrogen, 88 kg/ha. The nitrogen utilization rate is only 30%. The proportion of nitrogen contributed by legumes is only 10%. The surpluses of P 2 O 5 and K 2 O are more balanced compared to N, 24 and 26 kg / ha, respectively the utilization rate of phosphorus is 40% and potassium, like N, is only 30%. The balance of nutrients on the farm requires a reduction or greater rationalization of the use of mineral fertilizers, especially those containing potassium for nitrogen use improvement, it is necessary to study the possibilities of reducing losses from barn to fields and possibly increase the proportion of N contribution with legumes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE