Načrtovanje in izdelava eksperimentalne spremenljive pisave s črkovnimi znaki cirilice in latinice

Autor: Leban, Nik
Přispěvatelé: Možina, Klementina
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: V zadnjih letih so na tipografskem področju ena največjih novosti spremenljive pisave. Te nam odprejo možnosti, ki so bile prej nemogoče. V tem diplomskem delu smo oblikovali eksperimentalno spremenljivo linearno pisavo z znaki cirilice in latinice. Želeli smo ustvariti pisavo, ki jo bodo lahko brali bralci vsaj ene izmed izhodiščnih pisav. Hoteli smo tudi, da so prehodi med cirilično in latinično obliko vsake črke gladki in estetsko zadovoljivi, saj se da ta prehod animirati. Takšna pisava je lahko uporabljena za dvojezične napise ali pa kot estetska izbira v logotipih in drugih tiskanih ali spletnih grafičnih izdelkih. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali zgodovinski izvor cirilice in latinice ter njuni abecedi primerjali med seboj. Primerjali smo njune tipografske značilnosti in nabor znakov, ki jih premoreta. Opisali smo tudi spremenljive pisave in katere značilnosti vplivajo na čitljivost pisav. V eksperimentalnem delu smo opisali celoten postopek oblikovanja in izdelave spremenljive pisave Tranzicija. Začeli smo z njeno zasnovo, prvimi skicami na papirju in pripravo datoteke za izdelavo spremenljive pisave. Opisano je oblikovanje posameznih črk, številk, ločil in simbolov ter problemi, ki smo jih pri tem morali rešiti. Določili smo tudi prazne prostore ob črkah, prirezovalne pare in ligature. Ustvarjeno pisavo smo dvakrat testirali s spletno anketo. Tako smo pridobili informacije o problematičnih črkah za branje. Po analizi rezultatov prve ankete smo nekatere črke spremenili in branje ponovno testirali. Naši popravki niso pokazali kakšne velike spremembe pri razumevanju prebranega besedila. The greatest typographic innovation of recent years are variable typefaces. They provide us with features that were impossible to implement in the past. In this thesis, we designed an experimental variable linear typeface with letters from the Cyrillic and Latin scripts. Our main goal was to create a typeface that can be read by people who know at least one of the source scripts. Also, for animation purposes, we wanted a smooth transition from one letter to another. Such a typeface can be used for bilingual communication or as an interesting aesthetic choice for signage, logotypes and other printed or digital graphics. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we explore the historical origins of both Cyrillic and Latin scripts. We compared them in terms of their typographic characteristics and the glyphs they contain. We also described variable typefaces and what makes a typeface legible. The experimental part of the thesis contains a description of the design process that led to the development of the Tranzicija variable typeface. We started with the design concept, some sketches and a file prepared for the creation of a variable typeface. We described the work that went into designing letters, numbers, and other glyphs, and the problems we encountered. We also worked on spacing, kerning and ligatures before exporting our typeface. The typeface was tested twice using an online survey. This gave us valuable insight into how the typeface was being read. After evaluating the first survey, we changed some letterforms for another test. Our changes did not have much impact on the reading results.
Databáze: OpenAIRE