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V svoji diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočala na lastnosti posameznega znamenja v astrologiji, posledično tudi na nastanek horoskopa in na njegov razvoj vse do danes. Vsako astrološko znamenje sem interpretirala skozi žensko telo. Usmerila sem se zgolj v raziskovanje zahodne astrologije, deljene na dvanajst znamenj skozi koledarsko leto. Za vsako znamenje posebej sem opisala njegove lastnosti, pripadajoče barve in povezala gibe človeške figure s simboliko horoskopa. Na podlagi teh opisov sem analizirala še podobnosti med lastnostmi barve in lastnostmi preučenih znamenj v povezavi s kretnjami telesa. Z raziskovanjem astroloških znamenj in njihovo interpretacijo sem želela nadgraditi svoje znanje astrologije. Vsak izmed nas se lahko vidi v določenih specifikah posameznega znamenja. Moj cilj je bil spodbuditi v gledalcu asociacije ter razmislek o tem, ali se tudi sam najde v lastnostih svojega astrološkega znamenja, pri čemer se zavedam, da se vsaka oseba ne more popolnoma videti v opisu svojega znamenja. Sklepam tudi, da nepoznavalci horoskopa ne bodo takoj razumeli moje serije fotografij, zato je posvečena predvsem ljubiteljem horoskopa. Končni izdelek je fotografska razstava. In my BA thesis I focused on the characteristics of individual signs in astrology and, subsequently, on the emergence of the horoscope, its evolution, and its contemporary form. I photographically interpreted each astrological sign through the woman’s body. My research focused on Western astrology which in one year rotates through twelve signs. In the thesis I described each sign’s character qualities, color affiliation, and how the motion of the human figure connects to horoscope’s symbolism. On the basis of these descriptions I made an analysis on the similarities between the characteristics of colors and those of individual signs and how both groups can be connected to body language. With the research of astrological signs, I wanted to further enrich my knowledge of astrology, my goal was also to encourage the viewer to critically think about the connectedness of their own personality to their zodiac sign. Here, of course, I take into account that not everyone finds similarities in such a comparison. I can also presume that a layman might not immediately understand the meaning of my photographs thus it is fair to say that the work is mainly meant for horoscope enthusiasts. My final product is a photographic exhibition. |