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Uspeh mednarodne filmske industrije je v veliki meri zasluga programskega jezika Python. Danes praktično ni filma brez vizualnih učinkov in pri tem igra Python pomembno vlogo. V diplomskem delu bomo izvedeli zakaj je pro- gramski jezik Python postal sestavni del procesa ustvarjanja filmov. Spoznali bomo kdaj in zakaj so ga začeli uporabljati, kje vse je postal nepogrešljiv in kdo vse ga uporablja. Dotaknili se bomo zapletenosti filmskega cevovoda in s pomočjo programa Blender in v njem izdelanih skript, ustvarili svoj lastni kratki animirani film. The success of the international film industry is largely due to the Python programming language. Today, there is practically no film without visual effects, and Python plays an important role in this. In the thesis, we will find out why programming language Python has become an integral part of the film making process. We will find out when and why they started using it, where it all became indispensable and who all uses it. We will touch on the intricacies of the film pipeline and create our own short animated film using Blender, Python and the scripts created in it. |